The department “Language Education”

Head of the Department "Language Education"
Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant-professor.
Phone: +7 (727) 2 92 44 41
History of the department
The history of the “Language preparation” department is closely connected with the history of “Alt University named after M. Tynyshbaev”. In 1968, a branch of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers was established in Almaty. Russian and foreign languages section was organized under the leadership of Kh.Zh. Satybaldina. Only 5 teachers worked in the section (that’s how the departments were called at that time).
The government of the Kazakh USSR set the task of increasing the number of railway personnel, and in 1976, the higher educational institution Almaty Institute of Railway Engineers (AIRE) was established on the basis of the branch. The department was supplemented with Russian, English, German and French languages, its staff increased to 15 teachers, it was headed by candidate of philological sciences, professor L.F. Tolmacheva. The department worked in this composition until 1991.
Due to the independence of Kazakhstan, the problem of teaching students in the state language arose, as a result of which the university management decided to create two departments: the department of Kazakh and Russian languages and the department of foreign languages. Candidate of philological sciences, professor L. F. Tolmacheva headed the “Foreign languages” department, and the newly created “Kazakh and Russian languages” department headed by M. Zh. Isingarina.
In 1996, the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications was founded as a result of the merger of the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with the Almaty Institute of Road Transport.
After the merger of the institutes, departments were headed by M. Zh. Isingarina and L. F. Tolmacheva. In 2004, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A. K. Omarova, then in 2006 candidate of pedagogical sciences B. Kh. Ismagulova have been appointed as the head of the department.
Since 2006, the departments of “Kazakh language” and “Foreign language” occupies a special place in the academy in language training of qualified personnel for the transport complex of the country.
In 2009, by the decision of the Academy’s management, the department of “Kazakh language” and the department of “Foreign languages” were re-united and reorganized as the department of “Languages”. Until 2010, the department, where 30 teachers of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages worked, was headed by doctor of philological sciences, professor B. Kh. Ismagulova.
During 2010-2020, the department was headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Zh.B. Zhardamaliyeva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of KazТСA F. I., Smayilova and candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Z. D. Bekmambetova.
In 2021, KazТСA named after M. Tynyshbayev was reorganized into “Logistics and Transport Academy”. The department with 19 teachers is headed by senior teacher G. U. Kalkabayeva. The staff of the department is distinguished by a high professional level.
From September 15 of the 2021/2022 academic year, the “Languages” department headed by the candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor of ALT F.I.Smailova. At this time, the name of the department was changed to “Language preparation” department.
In the academic year 2024/2025, the “Language preparation” department was reorganized into the “Language Education” department. Senior lecturer G. U.Kalkabayeva is leading the department due to Smailova’s departure to study in the USA under the Bolashak program. In this academic year, 20 highly qualified specialists started working, including: associate professor – candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor – U.B. Adilbaeva., candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant-professor – G.A.Kalambaeva, assistant professor candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor G.K. Eszhanova, associate professor, candidate of philological sciences D.N.Abisheva, senior lecturers: S.A.Aliyeva, G.N. Doszhanova, S.B. Amirenov, S.K. Makhambetova; masters of philological sciences, senior lecturers L.A. Shintaeva, Z.T. Musabaeva, S.M. Keishilova, G.D.Daniyarova, N. Madeniet, Zh. Iztaeva.; assistant teachers: F.G Sarsenbaeva., A.S.Serikova.
The teaching staff of the department implements and provides programs of the subjects “Kazakh language”, “Russian language”, “Foreign language”, “Chinese language”, “Foreign language (professional)”, “Academic writing”, “Organization and planning of scientific research” . Currently, all classrooms of the “Language Education” department are equipped with interactive boards, modern educational complexes, teaching-methodical tools, and classrooms equipped with the necessary material and technical base.
Teaching staff

Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna
Head of “Language Education” department
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant-professor

Abisheva Diana Nurlanovna
Associate professor

Adilbayeva Ulzhalgas Bikenovna
Candidate of Philology

Kalambayeva Gulzhan Alibekovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Eszhanova Gulchat Kuanyshovna
Candidate of Philology

Sadykova Roza Karimovna
Candidate of Philological Sciences

Kalkabaeyeva Gulmira Urkenovna

Turdalieva Elmira Doldybaevna
Senior Lecturer
Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Amrenov Samat Beisenbekovich
Senior Lecturer

Doszhanova Gulsara Nurzhigitovna
Senior Lecturer

Alieva Salima Apbazovna
Senior Lecturer

Shintaeva Lazzat Amankhanovna
Senior Lecturer
Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Zarema Mussabayeva
Senior Lecturer
Master of Social Sciences

Keishilova Saule Mukhtarkhanovna
Senior lecturer

Daniyarova Gulmira
Senior lecturer
Master’s degree

Iztayeva Zhanerke Zhandoskyzy
Senior Lecturer
Master of pedagogical sciences

Madeniyet Nurgul
Senior Lecturer
Master of pedagogical sciences

Shaizhanova Meruyert Maratovna
Senior Lecturer
Master degree

Sarsenbayeva Farida Gabytkyzy
master of pedagogical Sciences

Makhambetova Samiga Kaisarkyzy
Assistant teacher

Serikova Akniyet Serikkyzy
Assistant teacher
Contacts of the department
Department: Language Education
Address: 97 Shevchenko str., 2405 auditorium
Phone number: +7 (727) 2 92 44 41
Assigning classrooms to the teaching staff of the department “Language Education”
№ 2304 |
кафедра «Language Education» |
№ 2507 |
и.о. зав. кафедрой «Language Education» Калкабаева Г.У. |
№ 5603 |
Амренов С.Б. |
№ 5604 |
Шынтаева Л.А. |
№ 5607 |
Мусабаева З.Т. |
№ 5609 |
Махамбетова С.К. |
№ 5610 |
Алиева С.А. |
№ 5612 |
Адилбаева У.Б. |
№ 2618 |
Досжанова Г.Н. |
№ 2616 |
Каламбаева Г.А. |
№ 2614 |
Есжанова Г.К. |
№ 3302 |
Лекционный зал |