The department “Language training”

Смаилова Фреза Ибрагимовна

Head of the Department "Language training"

Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant-professor.
Phone: +7 (727) 2 92 44 41

History of the department

The history of the Department of “Language Training” is closely intertwined with the history of the Academy of Logistics and Transport. In 1968, a branch of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers was established in Almaty, which existed for 8 years. The training took place there for two years. In the third and subsequent years of study, students went to the head institute in Tashkent. The plan of the first two years of study included the study of Russian and foreign languages. In this regard, a section of Russian and foreign languages was organized under the guidance of Professor of the department Satybaldin H.Zh. Only 5 teachers worked in the section (as the departments were then called).

The Government of the Kazakh SSR set the task of increasing the number of railway personnel, and in 1976, the 52nd higher educational institution was created on the basis of the branch – the Alma–Ata Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. The department was enlarged to 15 teachers of Russian, English, German, French, and was headed by the Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Tolmacheva L.F. The department in this composition existed until 1991.

In connection with the acquisition of sovereignty by Kazakhstan, the issue of teaching students the state language became acute, as a result of which the university management decided to create two departments: the department of Kazakh and Russian languages, the department of foreign languages. The Department of Foreign Languages continued to be headed by the Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Tolmacheva L.F., and the newly created Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages was headed by the Candidate of Philological Sciences Isingarina M.Zh.

In 1996, as a result of the merger of the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with the Institute of Road Transport, the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications was established. In 2004, the head of the department was appointed Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor Omarova A.K. In connection with the transition of Omarova A.K. to the post of chairman of the trade union committee of the Academy in 2006, the department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Ismagulova B.Kh.

Since 2006, the department, called “Kazakh Language”, has occupied a special place in the academy in the language training of qualified personnel for the country’s transport complex.

In 2009, by the decision of the administration of the Academy, the department of “Kazakh Language” and the Department of “Foreign Languages” were again merged and renamed into the Department of “Languages”. The department, where 30 teachers of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages worked, was headed by Doctor of Philological sciences, Professor B.Kh.Ismagulova until 2010.

In 2010-2020, the department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhardamalieva Zh.B.; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor KazATC Smailova F.I.; Candidate of Philological Sciences, assistant Professor Bekmambetova Z.Zh.

In 2021 KazATC named after M.Tynyshpaeva was restructured into the Academy of Logistics and Transport. The department continued to function under the leadership of G.U. Kalkabayeva, consisting of 19 teachers. During the work of the teaching staff of the department distinguished themselves with a high professional level.

From September 15, 2021/2022 academic year, the Department of Languages was renamed the Department of Language Training, which was again headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ALT Smailova F.I. The Department of “Language Training” 2022/2023 academic year began work as a part of 23 highly qualified specialists, including: Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent, Associate Professor – Tansykbaeva B.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ALT – Kalambaeva G.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ALT- Kunakova G.U., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ALT – Adilbayeva U.B., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant professor – Eszhanova G.K., senior lecturers: Doszhanova G.N., Aliyeva S.A., Kalkabayeva G.U., Amrenov S.B.; Master of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer Nurkasymova A.K., Masters of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturers: Shintayeva L.A., Akynova Zh.M., Altynbayeva K.B., Turdalieva E.D.; Master of Social Sciences, lecturer – Musabayeva Z.T., Masters of Pedagogical Sciences, lecturer – Nurseit Aidana Bolatkhankyzy; Masters of Pedagogical Sciences, assistan-teachers: Kulshayeva A.M., Sarsenbayeva F.G., Nurseyt Aizada Bolatkhankyzy.; Baisydyk I.B.; lecturer Dzhakipova K.T.; assistant-teachers: Omarova G.Zh., Makhambetova S.K.

The teaching staff of the department provides the implementation of the programs of academic disciplines “Kazakh language”, “Russian language”, “Foreign language”, “Professional foreign language”, at the master’s level “Foreign language (professional)”, “Academic writing”.

Currently, the Department of Language Training has well-equipped classrooms with interactive whiteboards, modern educational complexes, teaching aids, and the necessary material and technical base.

Teaching staff

Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna

Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna

Head of “Language Training” department

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant-professor

Kunakova Gulshara Umirzakovna

Kunakova Gulshara Umirzakovna


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Adilbayeva Ulzhalgas Bikenovna

Adilbayeva Ulzhalgas Bikenovna


Candidate of Philology

Kalambayeva Gulzhan Alibekovna

Kalambayeva Gulzhan Alibekovna


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Eszhanova Gulchat Kuanyshovna

Eszhanova Gulchat Kuanyshovna


Candidate of Philology

Kalkabaeyeva Gulmira Urkenovna

Kalkabaeyeva Gulmira Urkenovna


Turdalieva Elmira Doldybaevna

Turdalieva Elmira Doldybaevna

Senior Lecturer

Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Amrenov Samat Beisenbekovich

Amrenov Samat Beisenbekovich

Senior Lecturer

Doszhanova Gulsara Nurzhigitovna

Doszhanova Gulsara Nurzhigitovna

Senior Lecturer

Alieva Salima Apbazovna

Alieva Salima Apbazovna

Senior Lecturer

Shintaeva Lazzat Amankhanovna

Shintaeva Lazzat Amankhanovna

Senior Lecturer

Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Zarema Mussabayeva

Zarema Mussabayeva

Senior Lecturer

Master of Social Sciences

Dzhakipova Kundus Turarovna

Dzhakipova Kundus Turarovna

Senior Lecturer

Keishilova Saule Mukhtarkhanovna

Keishilova Saule Mukhtarkhanovna

Senior lecturer


Raimbekov Kuat Orazbekuly

Raimbekov Kuat Orazbekuly

Assistant teacher


Sarsenbayeva Farida Gabytkyzy

Sarsenbayeva Farida Gabytkyzy


master of pedagogical Sciences

Makhambetova Samiga Kaisarkyzy

Makhambetova Samiga Kaisarkyzy

Assistant teacher

Serikova Akniyet Serikkyzy

Serikova Akniyet Serikkyzy

Assistant teacher


Contacts of the department

Department: Language training

Address: 97 Shevchenko str., 2405 auditorium
Phone number: +7 (727) 2 92 44 41

Assigning classrooms to the teaching staff of the department “Language training”

№ 2408 The head of   department “Language Training” – Smailova F.I.
№ 2405 department “Language Training”
№ 5701 Turdaliyeva E.D.
№ 5702 Kulshayeva A.M.
№ 5703 Kalkabayeva G.U.
№ 5704 Eszhanova G.K.
№ 5705 Kunakova G.U.
№ 5706 Aliyeva S.A.
№ 5707 Tansylbayeva B.A.
№ 5708 Smailova F.I.
№ 5709 Kalambayeva G.A.
№ 5710 Doszhanova G.N.
№ 5711 Amrenov S.B.
№ 5712 Shintayeva L.A.
№ 5713 Nurseut Aidana
№ 5607 Musabayeva Z.T.
№ 5608 Makhamberova S.K.
№ 5609 Abzhanova A.Kh.
№ 5610 Sarsenbayeva F.G.
№ 5612 Adilbayeva U.B.
№ 5813 Akyniva Zh.M.
№ 5814 Nurseit Aizada
№ 5815 Jakipova K.T
№ 5816 Nurkasymova A.K.
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