The Department “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical Education”

Head of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical Education"
Abdiraiymova Ardak, professor, candidate of historical sciences
e-mail: а
Office: № 2511
History of the department
In 1996, as a result of the merger of two universities of the Almaty Institute of Engineering Transport (ALIIT, Alma-Ata) and the Almaty Road Institute (AADI, Alma-Ata), the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication (KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva). On the basis of the social and humanitarian departments of these universities, the departments of “Philosophy and History” and “Social-Humanitarian Disciplines” were created in 1996. In 1997, they were merged into one department of “Philosophy, Political Science and History”.
In 1996-2009, the heads of the department were:
- Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Artur I. Artemyev.
- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Urunbasarova Elionora Adallovna
- Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrzaly Serik Kozhy-Akhmetuly.
- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Asiya Umirbekovna Rakhimova.
In 2009, as a result of the merger of the departments of ” Philosophy, Political Science and History “and” Physical Culture”, the department was renamed “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines”, and since 2013 it has become” Social-Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical education” (SHD&PE). The heads of the department from 2009 to 2021 were: Associate Professor R. B. Italmasova, Associate Professor K. T. Anasova, Professor A. S. Abdirayimova.
Currently, the department is the leading educational and scientific structural unit of the university, carrying out educational, methodological, scientific. The main task of the department is to provide theoretical and practical training of specialists with professional knowledge, educational skills in accordance with the State Standard of Higher Professional education. The department is working to improve the quality of humanitarian education, instilling relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.
The strategic goal of the department is to improve the quality of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines, the formation of dialectical thinking, analytical skills that are necessary in understanding complex social processes and phenomena of modern reality.
General strategy of the Department
The goal is to improve the quality of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines, the formation of dialectical thinking, analytical skills that are necessary in understanding complex social processes and phenomena of modern reality.
Tasks of the department
The educational component of the department’s activity is based on preserving the significance and fundamental nature of the student learning cycle, striving to expand the degree of influence of this block on the training of students of all specialties through the development of author’s innovative courses that actualize socio-political, historical and philosophical problems within the training profiles chosen by students.
The scientific development of the department
The scientific development of the department is carried out in several directions, taking into account the existing range of scientific interests of its leading employees.
The Department maintains scientific contacts with such major research structures as the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov, R. B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Political Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The department also maintains close collegial contacts with leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular, with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, KazNPU named after Al-Farabi. Abaya.
The innovative vector of the department’s
The innovative vector of the department’s development includes continuous improvement of teaching methods, including modern interactive methods, case technologies, heuristic search tasks, lectures in innovative forms (problem lecture, discussion lecture, lecture with errors, etc.). The organization of extracurricular (additional) intellectual activity of students and teachers in the form of clubs “Rukhani Zhangyru”, “Miras”has a great innovative potential.
The reflection of the public assessment of the innovative potential of the teachers of the department is the participation of its employees in advisory and expert councils under the authorities and management, as well as the demand for employees of the department in public and scientific-public organizations.
Teaching staff

Abdiraiymova Ardak
candidate of historical sciences

Myrzaly Serik
Doctor of Philosophy

Shamshieva Gaukhar
Associate Professor
candidate of historical sciences

Kurmanbayeva Lyazzat
Professor ALT
candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Chakenov Edge
Аssistant professor
candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Lyapbaeva Nurgul
Аssistant professor
Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Aitkazina Mira
Associate Professor
candidate of historical sciences

Tokhmetov Asylbek Timerbekovich
Associate Professor
candidate of historical sciences

Akbayeva Leila
Аssistant professor
PhD in Philosophy

Imanbayeva Altyngul Akhmetovna
Аssistant professor
CANDIDATE’S degree in political sciences

Kundakova Makpal Zhanatkalievna
Аssistant professor
PhD Doctor

Spanov Zhanbolat Begaidarovich
Senior lecturer

Kanagatov Manat Kanagatuly
Master of Humanities

Kambarkyzy Aigul
Senior lecturer
Master of Psychology

Syrbayev Yerbol Umirzakovich
Senior lecturer
Master of Humanities

Zhumagulov Marat Dauletbaevitc
Senior lecturer
Master of historical sciences

Shugayeva Balgyn Slamkulovna
Senior lecturer
Master of Social Sciences

Orazova Moldir Abaybekovna
Senior lecturer

Bisenbin Kenzhebek Nurzhanovich
Senior lecturer

Kalipanov Serikzhan Shaigappasovich
Senior lecturer

Dzhazykpaeva Elina Elimesovna
Teaching assistant

Parassat Beisenova
Teaching assistant

Bayanbaeva Shnara
Teaching assistant

Toke Sandugash Taldybekkyzy
Teaching assistant
Contacts of the department
Department: Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical Education
Address: 97 Shevchenko str., Masanchi district, 5th floor, 2511 office