Department of «General Engineering»

Ахметова Патам Тургановна

Head of the department "General Engineering"

Akhmetova Patam Turganovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Office: # 2508

History of the department

The Department of” Natural Science Disciplines ” dates back to the organization in 1931 of the training and consulting center of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, the Almaty Automobile and Road Institute, and then the branch of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers and the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch.

In 1969, the Department of Physics was allocated a section of chemistry, the department became known as “Physics and Chemistry”.

In 1973, the department was divided into two departments: “Physics”and” Chemistry and Materials Science”.  Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, M. A. Pak was elected Head of the Department of “Physics”, who was the head of the department initially, from 1976, from the moment of formation of ALIIT until 1983. Then the department was headed by Candidate of Chemical Sciences S.E. Kozhirova. From 1985 to 1996, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences Zh. A. Sarsenbayev.

In 1971, the Department of Higher Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics was established at the Almaty branch of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers. The department provided the educational process in all subjects of mathematical and mechanical cycles.

In 1976, in connection with the opening of ALIIT, the departments of “Higher Mathematics” and “Theoretical Mechanics” were created, and in 1977 the Department of “Applied Mechanics” was separated from the Department of “Higher Mathematics”, which was headed by A. K. Kayupov for many years.

At one time, the Department of “Higher Mathematics” in different years was headed by Associate Professor Mustakhishev K. M., Professor Aldashev S. A., Professors Massanov Zh. K. and Tynybekova S. D., associate professor Kasymov E. K.

The heads of the “Physics” and “Chemistry” departments were Prof.B. Bektenov, who in 1999 was appointed vice-rector for educational and methodical work, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor E. M. Menligaziev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences M. H. Kim, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences-A. M. Alimzhanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M. M. Iskakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor L.C. Verveikina.

In 2004, the departments of “Physics” and” Chemistry ” were re-united under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S. M. Malgazharov, who at that time was the head of the Department of “Physics”, the Department of”Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics of Materials” was formed. After that, in 2007-2008, the department “FKHIMM” was headed by Ph. D. Dyachenko E. A.

In 2008, after the merger of the departments of “Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics of Materials” and “Higher Mathematics”, the Department of “Natural Science Disciplines” was formed, which from 2008 to 2010 was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S. T. Almagambetova. Dyachenko E. A..

Since 2022, the department “General Engineering” has been formed, the head is PhD Tashimbetova Akdana Tursynkhanovna.

Since 2023, the department has been headed by Ph.D. Mustayapov Almat Ospanov

Since March 4, 2024, the department has been headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Patam Turganovna Akhmetova.

Currently, the Department of” Natural Science Disciplines “includes two sections: “Physics” and” Mathematics”. Over the years, a highly qualified scientific and technical team of the department was formed, which in some years numbered up to 30 people. In addition to educational laboratories, scientific laboratories of photochemistry and metal corrosion were established.

For many years they worked fruitfully for the benefit of the department and teachers of physics, chemistry and mathematics have made a great personal contribution to its development.:

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S. I. Burkovskii;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E. E. Makletsova;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences  L.B. Fedulina;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences I.E. Shvartsman;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. F. Ostapenko;

Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics V. T. Pivneva;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences S. E. Kozhirova;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M. A. Pak;

Candidate of Technical Sciences Zh. A. Sarsenbayev;

Lecturer  A.L. Kuzevanova;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences K. K. Abdugafarov, who wrote a large number of textbooks on physics in the state language;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences D. I. Irzhanova;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences  L.T. Kalkabayeva;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences D. U. Begalieva;

Senior Lecturer I. B. Zelenova, who wrote a large number of various teaching aids and instructions on physics;

Senior Lecturer A.D. Dzhumasheva;

Senior Lecturer O. M. Bergebayeva., which made a significant contribution to the development of the state language, is written about in the bibliographic collection “Revered People of the Kazakh Land”;

Senior Lecturer L. G. Murasheva;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences K. M. Zhumanova, who in 2006 was awarded the medal “Honorary Worker of Higher Education” from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor L. S. Verveikina;

Lecturer  P. T. Akhmetova;

Head of the laboratory A. A. Matafonov.

Currently, the faculty of the department consists of:

5-assoc.professor , 6-assistant professor of teachers with an academic degree and 4 lecturer.  The degree of the department is 69% .

The Department of General Engineering has 4 laboratories.

The potential of the department allows providing a high scientific and methodological level of the educational process, as well as conducting scientific research in the field of physics, mathematics and in various fields of transport science.

Transport in Kazakhstan is experiencing an urgent need to train highly qualified engineering personnel who possess modern knowledge not only in the field of transport and technology, but also fundamental knowledge in the field of physics and mathematics, which determine the level of development of society as a whole.

The department works at all faculties with full-time and distance learning students in the following disciplines: “Physics” and “Mathematics”. The teaching staff of the department is a highly qualified, professional team with various scientific schools, most of the teachers have extensive work experience in the university. The age categories of teachers of the department are different, there are teachers who are graduates of KazPI named after Abai, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and KazNPU named after Abai. All of them actively continue their creative scientific activities in the research institutes of these universities. There is a continuity of generations in the department. Teachers of the Department of the older generation are highly qualified and are graduates of well-known scientific schools of the former USSR.

ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. The educational and scientific process in JSC ” ALT University M. Tynyshpayeva” is carried out by a highly qualified teaching staff, more than half of which are doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors. ALT University M. Tynyshpayeva   provides training on 9 bachelor’s degree programs, 14 master’s degree programs, and 5 specialties of the doctoral program PhD. Training is provided in full-time and distance forms, as well as in a reduced educational program for college and university graduates. At ALT University M. Tynyshpayeva , the educational process is organized on the basis of three specialized faculties that unite groups of related specialties, as well as on the basis of the “Distance Learning Center”, which provides training for all specialties in natural science, social and humanitarian disciplines and languages.

The MATERIAL and TECHNICAL BASE of  ALT University M. Tynyshpayeva  JSC is equipped with modern classrooms, computer classes, an electronic reading room with free Internet access, a library and reading room, sports and recreation complexes, food outlets and comfortable student homes. For special events with the participation of the teaching staff of students, the University  has an assembly hall with 550 seats equipped with modern audio multimedia equipment. For holding meetings of the Academic Council, the Rector’s Office, and the Student Government. There are two meeting rooms equipped with conference communication and multimedia equipment. In the academic buildings of the Academy there are canteens for students with 500 seats for the faculty and staff with 150 seats.

General strategy of the Department

Mission of the Department – it consists in achieving the provision of high-quality training through the integration of education, science and production, strengthening the material and technical base and human resources of the academy, and applying modern methods and technologies in the educational process.

Purpose of the department – improving the social status of mathematical and physical education, training of highly qualified and competent specialists who are able to adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, the use of modern information educational technologies, and the improvement of educational quality control mechanisms.

Tasks of the department:

  • preparation personnel with higher and postgraduate education for technical industries;
  • introduction of interactive and innovative methods in the organization of the educational process;
  • raising quality of scientific research facilities and development projects;

Teaching staff

Akhmetova Patam Turganovna

Akhmetova Patam Turganovna

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Uaisov Bolat

Uaisov Bolat

Assistant Professor

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Beisenbaeva Kulnyar

Beisenbaeva Kulnyar

Associate Professor

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Nurpeisov Satybaldy

Nurpeisov Satybaldy

Associate Professor

Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), docent

Aldekeyeva Dinara Tanashbekovna

Aldekeyeva Dinara Tanashbekovna

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Nurahmetova Kulzira Kumargaliyevna

Nurahmetova Kulzira Kumargaliyevna

Assistant Professor

Doctor of Philosophy PhD

Dyachenko Yelena Anatolyevna

Dyachenko Yelena Anatolyevna

Assistant professor

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Sarybaeva Zhaksygul

Sarybaeva Zhaksygul

Assistant professor

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Digarbaeva Tamara Darkenbaevna

Digarbaeva Tamara Darkenbaevna

Assistant professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Alibek Akmaral Abdizhapparkyzy

Alibek Akmaral Abdizhapparkyzy



Pshikov Mustakhim Iskindirovich

Pshikov Mustakhim Iskindirovich



Barmenkulova Bayan Bedelovna

Barmenkulova Bayan Bedelovna

Senior Lecturer

Master of Science in Physics

Oskenbay Mazhit Aueskhanuly

Oskenbay Mazhit Aueskhanuly

Senior Lecturer


Kumarkhanova Assiya Kuatkhanovna

Kumarkhanova Assiya Kuatkhanovna

Teaching assistant


Koshkinbay Balzhan Kanatkyzy

Koshkinbay Balzhan Kanatkyzy

Teaching assistant


Contacts of the Department

Department: General Engineering

Address: 97 Shevchenko str., Masanchi district, 5 nd floor(pavilion 2), room 2508

Training laboratories:

Name of the laboratory

Naudience measurement

Vibrations and wave optics


Electricity and magnetism

№ 4003

Mechanics. Molecular physics and thermodynamics

№ 4004

Quantum, atomic and nuclear physics

№ 4005

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