On March 29, 2023, the Department of Logistics and Management in Transport of the Academy of Logistics and Transport held the Day of the Department. As part of the event, interesting conversations were held between students with a business structure and entrepreneurial activity with leading leaders and successful specialists in the field of logistics and transport management.

At the meeting “Business women in Logistics” guests Akhmetova Ramilya Kurbanjanovna – Managing Director of the ASSTRA branch, Tulepekova Aldanysh Yerbolovna – KTZ Express – Department of Marketing and Tariff Policy, Badambaeva Aizhan Ergazievna – Head of the branch of BIG Floring Kazakhstan LLP, Dzhusupova Aisaule Nurzhigitovna, Financial Director of DMES Limited LLP, shared their life stories of success in business, career and personal growth.

Participants asked questions: what is needed to become business women, how to become a successful leader in business?

– In order to become a successful leader, a businesswoman, it is necessary to show remarkable firmness and determination not only in decision-making, but also in relations with partners and subordinates.

In summary, successful women gave 10 tips on how to become a successful business woman: 1. Read about successful women. 2. Do a mini-research in your area of interest. 3. Think about how to combine family and work. 4. Overcome pay inequality. 5. Become confident and resilient 6. Find your passion in life and follow it. 7. Get organized. 8. Don’t forget to be creative. 9. Get a good education and don’t stop there by constantly improving your skills. 10. Be willing to work hard to achieve a goal.

In continuation of the event, a seminar was held with the invitation of production representatives on the topic “Development of the laboratory base using software products for logistics”, issues of developing the laboratory base of the LiMT department were discussed.

An important element in the educational process is the introduction of modern information technologies in logistics, the development of working case-tasks for solving the automation of various logistics business processes.

The seminar considered the possibility of using the software product 1C: Enterprise: Automation of transport processes in practical and laboratory classes; Warehouse management; Enterprise management; Trade management; ERP.

We hope that our students were inspired to conquer new heights after interactive communication with our guests-logistics and at the same time businessmen, with leading experts in the field of transportation management and logistics in transport.

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