Kazakhstan is a multinational country with more than 150 nations and nationalities. To unite these nationalities in the “ALT University named after M.Tynyshpaeva” various events are held annually, one of which is the celebration of the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. On April 30, 2024 at the ALT University named after M.Tynyshpaeva” an event was held with the participation of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. This personified that many nationalities could find shelter and a home under the sky of the Kazakh Mother Earth.

This bright spring holiday has become a tradition for our university. It is of great importance that all representatives of nationalities who study at the university participate in the holiday. The holiday embodies friendship, respect, and unity of all ethnic groups.

The celebration was continued by events held in the Homes of students. The students living in the Students’ Houses showed the customs and traditions of Russian, Georgian, Turkmen and Indian nationalities.

This holiday does not just introduce university students to the traditions and culture of other nationalities living in the country, it is designed to consolidate the nation into a single whole.

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