On December 04, 2023, at the Department of “Language Training”, an educational and methodological seminar was held on the topic “Modern methods of teaching English in technical universities”, organized by m.h.s., assistant teacher of the Department of Language Training, Serikova A.S.

The role of the “case” method was revealed at the seminar. Case technologies (learning through specific cases) are traditionally used in teaching when students are offered specific situations from practice. Teachers who use the case method have different understandings of its essence, and it is interpreted as: innovative technology; in a methodological context: a complex system into which other methods of cognition are integrated; form of organization of independent work of students; project; way of organizing educational material (for example, foreign language speaking); type of group work; a means of teaching professionally oriented communication in a foreign language.

In the practical part of the seminar, the teaching staff of the department actively participated in the integration of methodological techniques of various educational technologies.

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