On June 6, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, an online meeting dedicated to the new “Zhas Temir” young specialists development program by JSC NC KTZh was held via the Zoom platform.

The meeting was attended by graduates of the current year and the past two years who are interested in career opportunities with the company. Representatives of JSC NC KTZh provided detailed information about the “Zhas Temir” program, its goals, and benefits. Participants learned that the program offers:

  • Competitive salary
  • Accommodation in dormitories
  • Opportunity for rotation in three different areas

The meeting also covered participation conditions, the application process, and selection stages. The speakers emphasized that the program aims at the comprehensive development of young specialists and provides unique opportunities for career growth and professional development.

Numerous questions from participants addressed not only the program’s conditions but also the prospects of working at JSC NC KTZh in general. The answers helped participants better understand what to expect from the “Zhas Temir” program and the steps needed for a successful career start with the company.

The meeting was held in a warm and constructive atmosphere, and all participants received comprehensive information about the program. The organizers noted the high interest in the program and expressed hope for active participation from graduates.

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