With the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Innovative Research Center “Bilim-orkenieti” held a forum “Excellent student of youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in order to establish contacts between talented students and specialists. The forum was attended by Russian scientists, public figures and representatives of the mass media. 

The invitation was received by the staff of the ALT University named after M.Tynyshpaeva is the chief specialists of the Department of educational and social work of our university, Akhatai Yrysbek Isagalievich and Amantai Yerasyl Meyrkhanovich, who were awarded a Diploma of the first degree and a medal.

We thank Akhatai Yrysbek Isagalievich and Amantai Yerasyl Meyrkhanovich for their professional approach and contribution to the promotion of youth policy in Almaty.

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