The innovation week of departments “Organization of the educational process with the use of innovative teaching methods”   began at the Academy on 02.10.23.

The teachers of the departments demonstrate innovative and active teaching methods in order to improve the educational process, improve the pedagogical skills of teaching staff through the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience.

The teacher of the Department of “Energy” Ualieva Zh.T. held a practical lesson in the group IT-EE-3 on 04.10.23. Topic was the Magnetic-electric Devices.

During this lesson teacher applied:

  • educational platform “”;
  • Tarsia Maker method;
  • a case of technology using the Word Wall learning platform.

The lesson was interesting and achieved a good methodological level. Students participated actively. Lessons using innovative teaching methods increase students’ interest in learning, develop creativity, oral speech, the ability to formulate and express their point of view, activates thinking and increases attendance of lessons.

The lesson was attended by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Directors of institutes, heads of departments, external experts on quality control of classes, employees of the Department of Academic Policy and Quality and teaching staff of departments.

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