As part of the celebration of the 145th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh political and public figure, historian-scientist, first Kazakh railway engineer M. Tynyshpaev, the Department of Energy organized the week “TYNYSHPAEV’S WEEK” from April 15 to 19. During the week, the teaching staff of the Department of Energy and students of OP 6B07121-Electrical Energy and OP 6B07188-IT-Energy carried out the following events:

April 15, assistant of the department Seitbek E.E. organized an open curatorial hour with curatorial groups on the topic “Tanymy biik tau tulga”. The curator’s hour was held in the format of an intellectual game. Students showed knowledge about the biography, formation and life path of M. Tynyshpayev in society. The lesson was exciting and educational for both students and teachers.

April 16, senior lecturer of the department Kalimbetov G.P. and assistant professor Kaliev Zh.Zh. with students from curatorial groups took part in the event “Almaty is our common home.” In order to develop the values ​​of caring for urban infrastructure, instilling high civic responsibility and environmental culture among students, a cleanup day was organized on the territory of M. Tynyshpayev Street.

April 17, senior lecturers of the department Kalymbetov G.P. and Koyshibaeva K.Zh. with 1st and 2nd year students visited the Central Museum of Railway Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They got acquainted with the life and work of the first engineer M. Tynyshpaev, and the history of the development of the railway. A visit to the museum of the Central Museum of Railway Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan made an indelible impression on the students.

April 18 Assoc. professor Ongar B., teaching assistants Ualieva Zh.T., Seitbek E.E. held a student subject Olympiad among 2nd year students in the discipline “Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering”. A total of 38 students took part in the Olympiad and three prizes were awarded.

On April 19, senior curator Zh.T. Ualieva The art exhibition “TYNYSHBAEV SALGAN DARA ZHOL” was organized. Students of 1-3 year groups actively took part in the drawing competition. Independent experts determined the best three paintings from the 20 drawings submitted.

In addition, an evening was held at the end of the week; students and teachers who took an active part in the events were awarded letters of gratitude and memorable prizes.

It is worth noting that each event within the framework of the “TYNYSHPAEV’S WEEK” week was attended by representatives of the Department of Educational and Social Work. The final evening was attended by the director of DVSR Turlybekova A.S., chief specialist Akhatay R., deputy directors Nurlanbek A.D. and Naiman D., who expressed gratitude for the excellent organization of this thematic week.

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