Admission to doctoral studies
Application acceptance period
2 times a year
- from July 3 to August 3
- from October 25 to November 10
The period of the entrance exams
2 times a year
- from 4 to 20 August
- from November 19 to December 11
Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition
2 times a year
- from August 10 to August 15
- from 13 to 25 December
2 times a year
- to 28 August of the calendar year
- from December 26 to January 10 of the calendar year
Combination of specialized subjects
№ |
The direction of preparation of the ЕР |
Name of the GЕР |
Name of the ЕP |
1 |
Communications and communication technologies |
D096 Communications and communication technologies |
2 |
Engineering and Engineering |
D099 Electrical and Power Engineering |
D100 Electrical Engineering and Automation |
D104 Transport, transport equipment and technologies |
3 |
Transport services |
D147 Transport services |
Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport |
D148 Logistics by industry |
4 |
Engineering and Engineering |
D210 Backbone networks and infrastructure |
D310 Transport facilities |
Accepting applications
Persons entering the doctoral program, in the period from July 3 to August 3, are registered on the website of the National Testing Center (NTC) for the subsequent passing of the entrance exam for groups of educational programs in the Regional Testing Centers (RCTs) and submit the following documents to the ALT:
- application (in any form));
- a copy of the identity document;
- document of education (original, when submitting documents to the admissions committee);
- international certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the common European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency;
- six photos measuring 3×4 centimeters (and an electronic version);
- personal personnel record sheet or other document confirming employment, certified by the personnel service at the place of work;
- list of scientific and methodological works (if any).
Together with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification, carried out in the presence of the applicant. After verification, the original documents are returned.
Registration for the subsequent passing of the entrance exam is allowed 1 (one) time; re-registration on the NTC website is not allowed. Acceptance of documents is carried out on the website of the NTC, the applicant fills in personal data, selects 1 (one) university for admission to doctoral studies and 1 (one) GOP, chooses the place of passing the entrance exam. The NCT forms the schedule of entrance exams by region. The programs and schedules of the entrance exams are brought to the attention of applicants 3 (three) days before the start of the entrance exam.
Applicants can take the entrance exam in Kazakh, Russian and English of their choice, and all the exam blocks must be in one of the selected languages.
Entrance exams
The entrance exam for doctoral studies is conducted at the Regional Testing Center in computer format.
4. The entrance exam for doctoral studies in computer format consists of the following blocks:
– essay writing;
– answers to exam questions on the profile of the educational program group;
– interview with the applicant, conducted by the examination committee of the OVPO.
5. The duration of the entrance exam is 3 hours 30 minutes, of which:
for an interview – 20 minutes;
to write essays and answers to exam questions on the profile of the educational program group – 190 minutes (3 hours 10 minutes).
6. The maximum score for the entrance exam is 100 points, of which the essay – 20 points, exam on the profile of the GOP – 50 points, interview with the applicant, conducted by the examination committee of the OVPO – 30 points.
7. Applicants can view the results of the entrance exam on the next day of the entrance exams via a notification in their personal account.
Entrance exam programs for groups of educational programs
Interview topics for admission to doctoral studies
Sample Essay Topics by Groups of Educational Programs
Admission to the ALT doctoral program is held until August 28
Admission to the number of doctoral students is carried out by the admission committee of ALT.
Admission of persons to the doctoral program on a paid basis is carried out on the basis of an international certificate confirming their foreign language proficiency in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency and based on the results of the entrance exam for the profile of the group of educational programs of the doctoral program and having scored at least 50 points out of a possible 100 points.
Persons who have scored at least 75 points on the entrance exam are enrolled on a competitive basis for studying in the doctoral program under the state educational order.
Admission of persons to the doctoral program is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of the entrance exam.
In the case of the same indicators of competitive points, the priority right for admission to the doctoral program is given to the persons who have the highest score on the exam in the profile of the group of the educational program.
In the case of identical indicators for the profile exam, scientific achievements corresponding to the profile of the educational program are taken into account: scientific publications, including in the rating scientific publications included in the Web of Science databases of Clarivate Analytics, in COXON publications for the last 3 calendar years; certificates of scientific developments; certificates of awarding scientific scholarships, grants; certificates/diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.
on a paid basis for the educational programs of doctoral
studies for the 2024-2025 academic year
Communications and communication technologies |
D096 Communications and communication technologies |
Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications |
2 200 000 |
Engineering and Engineering |
D099 Electrical and Power Engineering |
Electric power engineering |
2 200 000 |
D100 Electrical Engineering and Automation |
Automation and control |
2 200 000 |
D104 Transport, transport equipment and technologies |
Transport, transport equipment and technologies |
2 200 000 |
Transport services |
D147 Transport services |
Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport |
2 200 000 |
D148 Logistics by industry |
Logistics (by industry) |
2 200 000 |
Engineering and Engineering |
D210 Backbone networks and infrastructure |
Transport infrastructure engineering |
2 200 000 |
D310 Transport facilities |
Transport structures |
2 200 000 |
Choose a scientific advisor in the direction of your research
Foreign students
The training of foreigners in the doctoral program is carried out on a paid basis. The right for foreigners to receive free postgraduate education on a competitive basis in accordance with the state educational order is determined by international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Persons who have received documents on education in foreign educational organizations, in order to enter the doctoral program of ALiT in accordance with the received level of education and training profile, must pass the procedure of recognition or nostrification of educational documents.
Educational documents issued by foreign educational organizations are recognized in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with international treaties (agreements).
ALT has created all the opportunities for foreign citizens to study under postgraduate education programs, provides visa support, and provides accommodation in student homes (dormitories).
Benefits of learning
8 educational programs in the field of transport, communications and logistics

Knowledge available to the best of the best

Accreditation of all programs

Rich training program


Education in English

Foreign internship

Research activities

All educational programs are recognized by the business and are accredited

Recognized diploma, prestigious PhD

Contribution to your future, new career prospects

Graduates of doctoral programs are the scientific and business elite in the transport, communication and logistics industry of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia

Adequate cost of educational services, flexible payment terms
Grants, scholarships, discounts for
Graduates of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees of ALiT |
25% |
Full-time employees with more than 3 years of experience in ALiT |
25% |
Training and research
ALT doctoral programs are elite training of highly qualified specialists for scientific, scientific-pedagogical, industrial and innovative fields of activity.
Modern doctoral programs combine the traditions laid down in the early 2000s, when ALT began training highly qualified scientific personnel in postgraduate studies and opened dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses and modern innovations, both in training and in research.
Today, the doctoral programs of ALT are:
✓ Rich training program, designed for 3 years.
✓ Training by highly qualified teaching staff, including invited foreign professors from leading foreign universities and research centers
✓ Programs in accordance with the requirements of national companies, large business holdings
✓ Leading professors, doctors and candidates of sciences of ALT and foreign partner universities provide guidance for doctoral students ‘ dissertation research
✓ Research activity and high scientific activity
✓ Foreign research internships in leading research and educational centers in the United States, Europe, Japan, China, Korea, Russia and other countries
✓ Publication of research results in the scientific journal “Vestnik KazATK”, which is included in the list of publications recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of scientific results, in the proceedings of international scientific conferences registered in the Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having an ISBN, in international rating journals.
✓ Prestigious Diploma
All studies correspond to the priority areas of development of science and technology in Kazakhstan:
➣ development of transport infrastructure, creation of logistics hubs
➣ construction of roads and railways
➣ digital Kazakhstan
➣ energy efficiency and energy conservation, green economy
Choose your research direction:
Transport services
8D11361 Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport
8D11362 Logistics (by industry)
Engineering and Engineering
8D07158 Automation and Control
8D07159 Transport, transport equipment and technologies
8D07160 Electric power industry
Transport infrastructure engineering
Transport facilities
Communications and Communication Technologies
8D06255 Radio engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications
ALT has world-class accredited research laboratories:
In the field of inspection and testing of artificial structures
- Carrying out instrumental measurements and control of the appearance, geometric dimensions, strength and thickness of the protective layer of concrete, the location and division of reinforcement of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
- Carrying out instrumental measurements and control of the appearance, geometric dimensions, strength and thickness of the protective layer of concrete, the location and division of reinforcement panels and wall blocks made of bricks and ceramic stones;
- Sampling, determination of density, humidity, yield boundaries, rolling boundaries, granulometric composition, subsidence, characteristics of the strength and deformability of the soil. Statistical processing of test results;
- Determination of deflections, stresses, displacements, dynamic characteristics, class of elements of the same / b and metal spans, permissible speed of movement, assessment of the load capacity (calculation method) of the same / b and metal spans of railway and pedestrian bridges;
- Determination of defects in bridge supports, load capacity of railway bridge supports in operation.
In the field of environmental protection and certification of production facilities for working conditions
- Carrying out instrumental control of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere (measuring the release of harmful substances into the atmospheric air or harmful physical effects on it with the use of specialized equipment);
- Services for the development of draft pre-permissible emission standards;
- Services for the development of the industrial environmental control program;
- Services for monitoring compliance with the maximum limits of emissions of pollutants;
- Inventory of sources of GHG emissions into the atmosphere;
- Development of the greenhouse gas inventory passport (carried out in accordance with B. 315, 317 EC);
- Greenhouse Gas Report;
- Certification of hazardous waste;
- Certification of workplaces according to working conditions.
In the field of software security
- Examination of program documentation;
- Evaluation of the quality of program documentation;
- Static and dynamic analysis;
- Software security function.
ALT Admission Committee:
Almaty, Shevchenko 97, main academic building, 1st floor
Entrance from the intersection of Shevchenko and Masanchi streets
Opening hours:
MO – FR: 08:30 – 18:00
SA – SU : 09:00 – 17:00
Phone +7 707 888 1931, 8 727 292 0707
You do not have to go to the city of Almaty, as we have representations of the admission committee:
Astana, 10A Goethe Street, +7 (7172) 94 28 23, 943487,
Aktau, md. 9 d. 24, +7 (7292) 43 60 57,
Aktobe, Smagulova vl. 5B, +7 (7132) 21 14 00