Jaidarman «Маусымашар – 2024»

Jaidarman «Маусымашар – 2024»

The «ALT» team, on behalf of the Academy of Logistics and Transport, took part in the republican Jaidarman festival «Mausymashar – 2024», held in Astana from February 5 to 11. About 200 teams took part in the festival games at a high level. Based on the results...
Wildberries International Marketplace

Wildberries International Marketplace

The head of the Atakent warehouse, Stanislav Skidin, and Irina Efimova, who is responsible for Wildberries sorting centers and warehouses in the CIS, clearly showed the work process from the acceptance of goods to their sorting, storage and dispatch of goods....
А military-patriotic event “CLASS OF COURAGE”

А military-patriotic event “CLASS OF COURAGE”

02/15/2024 At the Academy of Logistics and Transport, a military-patriotic event “CLASS OF COURAGE” was held, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Guests of honor, veterans of the war in...
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