A distinctive feature of the Academy is a high percentage of employment in the first year after graduating from the Academy, which every year is kept at the level of 78-85% for various educational programs. We, together with our partners from the industry, have kept a...
Dear students!

Dear students!

In accordance with subparagraph 7) paragraph 24 Rules for awarding an educational grant for higher education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 58 dated on January 23, 2008, according to the results of the interim certification...
Independence Day of Kazakhstan

Independence Day of Kazakhstan

On December 7, 2022, an event called “Independence Day of Kazakhstan” was held under the leadership of Associate Professor, Ph.D. Adilbaeva U. B. within the framework of the linguistic club “Plyglot”. This event was held in the format of a quiz game. The purpose of...
“Language Training” a scientific seminar

“Language Training” a scientific seminar

On December 21, at the Department of  “Language Training” a scientific seminar was held on the topic “Methods of scientific research”.  The seminar was conducted by senior lecturer Akynova Zh. M. The seminar was devoted to the research paradigm...
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