
Courses are conducted in two languages: English and Chinese.
Purpose of the course: To prepare students for success in studying at more advanced levels.
Duration of the course: Courses are held 3 times a week for 1 hour or 2 times a week for 1.5 hours.


Жайықбай Күміс Талғатқызы

Zhaiykbai Kumis Talgatovna

teacher of English language at the University of SDU

Аманқұл Венера Нуржанқызы

Amankul Venera Nurzhanovna

has been an English language tutor since 2020, a master’s student at al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Чжэнь Мэй Фан

谌梅芳(Чжэнь Мэй Фан)

Chinese teacher (Lecturer from Urumqi Professional University, China)

Чжоу Чжун Син

周中兴 (Чжоу Чжун Син)

Chinese teacher (Lecturer from Urumqi Professional University, China)

Сюе Хуй

薛慧 (Сюе Хуй)

Chinese teacher (Lecturer from Urumqi Professional University, China)


You can contact us:

050012, Almaty, Shevchenko str., 97, office 2215

tel. +7 707 888 1931 (ext.1053), +7 707 200 0970, +7 707 349 7006

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