Department of “Organization of transportation and operation of transport”

Битилеуова Зухра Кадесовна

Head of the Department «Organization of transportation and operation of transport»


Biteleuova Zukhra, Professor ALT, Candidate of Technical Sciences

History of the Department

The Department «Оrganization of transport, traffic and operation of transport» of the Academies of Logistics and Transport actively participates in the training of highly qualified specialists for the transport and communication complex in the implementation of the President’s program on strategic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050.

For educational, methodical, research and educational work among students of the specialty «Operation of Railways», open in the newly organized by the Council of Ministers of the USSR № 351 from 20.05.1976 у. Alita, in 1976 was created the Department of «railway Operation», which in 1998 transformed into the Department «Organization of transportations». In connection with the transition of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to market relations and the new requirements for personnel of the specialty «Organization of transportation by rail» in November 2000 the Department «Cargo management» was allocated from its structure, and in 2003 the Department «Transport logistics». In 2009, due to the reorganization of the Department «Organization of transport» and «Organization of road traffic» were merged into a single Department «Organization of transport».

Since 2004, the bachelor’s degree program 050901 – «Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport» has been opened.

Specialists in the direction of Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport are trained for organizational and technological, production and management, calculation and design, service and operational activities in the field of management of enterprises and transport divisions.

Specialists of this field of training can work at transport enterprises and divisions, regional transport management bodies and state transport inspection, marketing services and divisions for the study and maintenance of the transport services market, freight forwarding enterprises and organizations, regional cargo and passenger transportation systems, production and sales systems, traffic safety services in transport enterprises, organizations and enterprises of information support of production and technological systems.

The first head of the Department was Ph. D., Professor Kulmanov Kadyr, who headed the Department in the 1976/1977 academic year. Under his leadership, the Department took the first steps in creating a material and technical base, in opening specialized laboratories. Then until 1989, the Department was headed by candidate of technical Sciences, Professor, academician of the transport Academy of Russia Kadyrbekov Murat. From 1989 to 2000, the Department was headed by doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, academician MANEB Kobdikov Madeniyet, then the management of the Department was carried out: in 2000-2002. – Ph. D., associate Professor Bogdanovic Svetlana, in the year 2002-2003, Ph. D., Professor Bekzhanov Sarkum, from 2003 to 2010 the Department was headed by doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, academician of the MANEB Kobdikov Madeniet, who made a great contribution to the replenishment of scientific-technical and educational potential of the Department contribute to its further development and strengthening.

From 2010 to 2019, the department was headed by Bogdanovich Svetlana Vasilyevna, Kenzhebayeva Gauhar Zhumashevna, Bitileuova Zukhra Kadesovna, Mukhametzhanova Aizhan Vesmovna, Vakhitova Lilia Vladimirovna, Molgazhdarov Amangeldy Sabdievich, Aikumbekov Muslim, Toltai Baurzhan Toltaiuly .  

Since June 2022, the department has been headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Logistics and Transport Biteleuova Zukhra.

Teaching staff

Contacts of the Department

Department: Organization of transportation and operation of transport

Address: Almaty, Shevchenko st., 97, 5th floor office 2508

Educational program

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree


Organization of the educational process in the workplace

To consolidate theoretical and practical skills among students of the educational program – 6B11326 – “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport” in core disciplines on the basis of the enterprise of the branch of KTZ-Freight Transportation LLP – “Almaty branch of the FT” a branch of the department “Organization of transportation” was created and is functioning and operation of transport.” On the basis of this branch, practical classes are conducted in real production conditions, as well as educational excursions for senior students.

1) List of organizations where department branches are open

The Almaty branch of the FT has been closely cooperating and participating in the organization of the educational process for more than 20 years. Students have the opportunity to undergo industrial and pre-diploma internships at the production bases of the Almaty branch of the FT, which includes more than 40 stations with different technical and technological characteristics and control areas.

2) List of disciplines that are offered for dual training by semester

In order to introduce elements of dual education, practical classes are conducted in the following major disciplines in the 2023-2024 academic year on the basis of the branch of KTZ-Freight Transportation LLP – Almaty Branch of FT:


Name of the discipline









Technical regulation of the organization of transportation by rail


1 semester


11-15 weeks


KTZ-Freight Transportation LLP – “Almaty branch of the FT


Technology and management of stations and nodes


2 semester




1 year

KTZ-Freight Transportation LLP – “Almaty branch of the FT

3) List of industrial teachers who teach dual training classes

Practical classes in these core disciplines are conducted by production specialists:

  1. Nurmukhametov Zukhrab Mellatovich, traffic safety engineer

4) List of Top Managers

Top managers of SMEU LLP, Almaty Electrotrans LLP, KTZ-FT LLP, the head of the Almaty 2 railway station, Eastcomtrans LLP, TransCom LLP and other enterprises in the area give guest and leadership lectures for our students, and are also involved as supervisors and reviewers of theses.

The table shows the Top Managers participating in guest and leadership lectures in the 2023-2024 academic year.



Lecture topic


FULL NAME lecturer


Organization, position held



October 2023

Road safety in Almaty


Tustikbaev E.S.


SMEU LLP, executive director


October 2023

The current state of the market for transporting passengers by public transport

Bekbergenov E.K.


“Almatyelectrotrans”, Deputy General Director of LLP



December 2023


Modern problems of operational work at the station Almaty-2 and ways to solve them

Akpanov B.B.


Almaty 2 Station Manager



November 2023


Ensuring comprehensive safety in railway transport


Derbisalov A.S.


 Eastcomtrans LLP, Deputy Commercial Director




Ensuring the safety of workers at production sites

Kuandykov E.M.

Chief engineer of Almaty-1 station







Measures aimed at optimizing the promotion of a wagon with bulk cargo

Aikumbekov M.N.


TransCom LLP, Transportation Process Analyst






Technological process of the Almaty-2 station


Shormakov B.A.


 Chief engineer of Almaty-2 station

5) Practice bases

After completing the training course, it is compulsory to undergo an internship in production. The practice fits into the general concept of training, consolidating the knowledge acquired during the study of the theoretical course, and contributes to the painless adaptation of the future EP specialist to the conditions of the upcoming work.

The table shows the bases of practices for the department “Organization of transportation and operation of transport.”


Branches of “KTZ-FT” LLP (all over Kazakhstan)


Branch “Express” – JSC “Passenger transportation” Almaty and Astana


“Tranco Balkhash” LLP, Balkhash


Logistics company “Aronaks logistics” LLP, Almaty


JSC “NC KTZ” Akmola branch of the main network, Nur-Sultan-1 passenger station


JSC Russian Railways – South Ural branch, Petropavlovsk station


“Research Center” LLP Development of the transportation process, Almaty


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