The Department of Transport Services and Business

Head of the Department "Transport services and business"
Musalieva Roza Dzhalilovna, Associate professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Phone: +7 (727) 292-36-84, ext. 10-59
History of the department
The Department of Transport Services and Business was established and has been operating since September 1, 2024, through the merger of the previously existing departments: “Organization of Transportation and Transport Operations,” “Logistics and Management in Transport,” and the “Economic Disciplines” department.
Brief History of the Departments
The “Organization of Transportation and Transport Operations” department was one of the oldest departments, created alongside the establishment of the Almaty Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (AIIRT) by decree No. 351 of the USSR Council of Ministers on May 20, 1976. Initially, it was named “Railway Operations.” Between 1976 and 2009, the department underwent several name changes: “Operational Management,” “Organization of Transportation.” In 2009, the departments of “Organization of Transportation” and “Organization of Road Traffic” merged into the single department of “Transport Traffic Organization.
Since 2004, a bachelor’s program in the specialty 050901 – “Organization of Transportation, Traffic, and Transport Operations” was introduced. Specialists in this field are trained for organizational and technological, production management, design, service, and operational activities in the management of transport enterprises and divisions.
The first head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuldmanov Kadyr Azhgereyevich, who led the department in the 1976/1977 academic year. Under his leadership, the department took its first steps in creating the material and technical base, opening specialized laboratories. From 1976 to 1989, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport, Kadyrbekov Murat Bekbaevich. From 1989 to 2000, the department was led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences (MANEB) Kobdikov Madeniet Arimbekovich. Several other prominent figures headed the department over the years, contributing significantly to its growth.
Graduates of this department currently hold leadership positions in major transport companies in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries (e.g., JSC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy,” JSC “Passenger Transportation,” JSC “KTZ Express,” Aktau Port, Almaty International Airport, and many others).
Department of “Logistics and Management in Transport”
The Department of “Logistics and Management in Transport” was established on August 26, 2004, by order No. 331. Initially called the “Transport Logistics” department, it was formed to train specialists in the emerging field of intermodal and multimodal transportation processes and transport and forwarding services. The first head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Karsybaev E.E.
In 2009, by order No. 151 dated May 29, the department was renamed “Logistics in Transport.” For the first time, the specialty of “Logistics (by sectors)” was included in the classifier of higher and postgraduate education specialties of Kazakhstan.
The department’s mission is to train modern, competent managers in the provision of transport and logistics services and the organization of international transportation.
Department of “Economic Disciplines”
Kazakhstan’s transition to a market economy necessitated fundamental changes in the training of broad-profile economists. Economic training for future specialists in railway transport began from the early days of AIIRT’s existence. The independent department of “Economics and Planning in Railway Transport” was created on November 2, 1978.
In 1992, the department became part of the newly organized Faculty of Economics and became a graduating department for the specialty “Economics and Management in Transport.” Various esteemed economists led the department over time, contributing to its long-term success.
The new department of Transport Services and Business is currently led by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Musalieva R.D., offering programs at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels.
Teaching staff

Mussaliyeva Roza Dzhalilovna
Associate Professor
candidate of technical sciences, Ph.D.

Kenzhebaeva Gaukhar Zhumashevna
Associate Professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Zhanbirov Zhumazhan
Doctor of Technical sciences

Maral Seitenovna Izteleuova
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Biteleuova Zukhra
Professor ALT
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Karsybayev Yerzhan Yertayevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Malgazdarov Amangeldy
Associate professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Vakhitova Liliya Vladimirovna
Associate professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent

Mussabayev Batyrbek
Associate professor
Doctor of Technical sciences

Abibullaev Serik Shinbulatovich
Assistant professor
candidate of technical sciences

Bekmagambetova Laura
Assistant professor

Sugurova Ainur Zhanatbekovna
Assistant professor
PhD in Economics

Badambaeva Saltanat Yergazievna
Deputy Director of the Institute “Logistics and Management”
senior lecturer

Ursarova Ainur Kosumzhanovna
Senior lecturer

Yelesheva Zhanna Bolatovna
Senior lecturer
Master of Economic Sciences

Alik Assel
Deputy Director for Educational Work
Master’s Degree in Services

Nurzhaubaev Meiram Makhanovich
Senior lecturer

Aіpenov Zholdasbek Srailovich
Senior lecturer
master of transport

Olzhabaeva Raushan Serikovna
Senior lecturer
master of science

Demeuova Kuralai
Senior lecturer
Master of Economic Sciences

Shortanbayeva Aigul Tolendikyzy
Senior lecturer

Zhaksilikova Umitzhan Izbasarovna
Senior lecturer
Master of Economic Sciences

Userbayeva Ainash Satanovna

Igenbayeva Sharbat
Assistant teacher
Master of Economic Sciences

Suyenishova Moldir Erlankyzy
Teaching assistant
master of science
Contacts of the department
Department: Transport services and business
Address: 97 Shevchenko str., Masanchi district, 5th floor 2504 auditorium
Phone: +7 (727) 292-36-84, internal tel. 10-59.
Educational program
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
7M11354 – Logistics (by industry)
7M11355 – Logistics (by industry)
7M11356- Resource Efficient Production Logistics
7М04166 – Economics and management
7М04167 – Economics and management
7М04168 – Marketing and business analytics
7M11351 – Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport
7M11352 – Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport
7М11353 – Economy, ecology and infrastructure in high-speed rail transport
7M04170 – EMBA – Business administration