Erasmus +


ALT has implemented 2 projects of the ERASMUS+ program:


Name of the project Development of a master’s program in resource-efficient production logistics based on the Bologna principles
Project number 585967-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Implementation years 2017-2020 (21)
Project logo
Project website


Development and implementation of an interdisciplinary program in resource-efficient production logistics for master’s students in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan with 18 modules (120 ECTS) in accordance with the Bologna Agreement.


Joint educational program «Resource Efficient Production Logistics»

More details about applying for the master’s program


  • Opportunity to study in the partner universities’ countries in the field of «Logistics»;
  • Professional development for faculty and university staff in lean logistics;
  • Academic mobility for a semester or an academic year for educational program modules at partner universities of the PRODLOG project consortium.

Consortium Composition

European Universities:
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany (coordinator)
SIGMA Clermont, France
Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Germany
University of Miskolc, Hungary
Russian Universities:
State Technical University—MADI (STU-MADI)
Volga State University of Water Transport
Kyrgyzstan Universities:
Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov
Kyrgyz National Agrarian University
Kazakhstan Universities:
Kazakh-German University
M.Tynyshbayev ALT University


Name of the project Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure at High-Speed Railways
Project number 598817-EPP-1-2018-1DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Implementation years 2018-2021 (22)
Project logo
Project website


Harmonization of Kazakh, Russian and European educational programs and creation of a new two-degree master’s degree program for training specialists in the field of construction and operation of railways and high-speed, high-speed highways and LRT based on the project «Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure at High-Speed Railways (EEIHSR)» within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program.


Master’s educational program «Economics, ecology and infrastructure on high-speed railroads» of double-diploma education on high-speed railroads for the direction «Transport services».

The developed master’s program will further entail the creation of advanced training courses for employees of the transport and communication complex.


  • Opportunity to obtain a double degree in «Transport Services» in the field of construction, organization of transportation and operation of high-speed railways (HSL) and light-rail transport (LRT) together with the Technical University of Dresden (Germany);
  • Professional development of employees of transport companies in the field of organization of transportation and operation of high-speed railways and light rail;
  • Academic mobility for a semester or one academic year by modules of the educational program in the EEIHSR project consortium partner universities.

Consortium Composition

European Universities:

Dresden University of Technology, Germany(coordinator)



Technical University of Madrid, Spain



University of Economics in Katowice, Poland


Russian Universities:


Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University 



Ural State University of Railway Transport 



Far Eastern State Transport University 


Kazakhstan Universities:
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
M.Tynyshbayev ALT University
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