Dear colleagues!
We invite you and your colleagues to take part in the “IV EURASIAN FORUM ON SECURITY AND DIGITALIZATION AT RAILWAY TRANSPORT”, which will be held on October 13, 2023 at the Academy of Logistics and Transport, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The main objective of the Forum is to provide a platform for discussing important issues related to safety and digitalization, as well as developing preventive measures during transportation operations to prevent harm to human life, health, the environment, and the property of transportation process participants and third parties.
This event is planned to involve the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Academy of Sciences at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC «Russian Railways», SA «Belarusian Railway», JSC «Uzbekistan Railway», SE «National Company «Kyrgyz Railway», JSC «NC «Kazakhstan Railway», the Union of Transport workers of Kazakhstan «KAZLOGISTICS», ALE «Association of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry», ALE «Association «Partnership on Transport and Logistics in Central Asia», as well as specialized universities, research institutes, stakeholders and employers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS, USA, China, Europe, South-Eastern Asia and other manufacturers of engineering systems in terms of ensuring transport security and information technology.
The following panel sessions will take place during the Forum:
- Ensuring Railway Transport Safety
- Digital Transformation of the Railway Industry
- Infrastructure Modernization
- Freight Cars, Maintenance, and Prospects
- Operation and Reliability of Locomotive Fleet. Prevention of Passing Restrictive Signals Using “BORT” Safety Devices
- Advancing Transport Science and Enhancing Training for the Transport, Logistics, and Communication Industry workforce.
Participation in the Forum is free of charge.
Within the framework of the Forum, an exhibition of transportation industry products will be organized.
The registration fee for participation in the exhibition with products is 300,000 (three hundred thousand) tenge. Payment for travel and accommodation is made at the expense of the Forum participants or the sending party.
To participate, please fill out the form at the link. The working languages of the Forum are Kazakh, Russian and English. Participants need to send reports to isc@alt.edu.kz until September 29, 2023. Contacts: Isa Zhaisan, +7 775 984 23 85; Zhanargul Abdrakhmanova, +7 707 744 2095 (WhatsApp, Telegram).
050012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. Shevchenko 97, ALT, room. 2609. Phone.: +7 (727) 346-10-74. E-mail: isc@alt.edu.kz.
We will sincerely welcome your participation.
Joint Stock Company “Academy of Logistics and Transport”
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050012 Almaty, Shevchenko street, 97
BIN 010740000551, KBE: 17
St. VAT series 60001 No. 1218806 of 01/27/2021
Account No. KZ6184901KZ503555000 in NURBANK JSC