ALT University named after M. Tynyshpayev was recognized as the best among 35 higher educational institutions at the JAS GALA 2024 festival.

From March 1 to May 14, 2024, with the support of the youth policy of the city of Almaty and the organization “Alliance of Almaty Students”, the city creative youth festival “Zhas Gala – 2024” was held among 35 higher educational institutions and 87 colleges of the city of Almaty. The festival was held in the following areas: vocals, theatrical performance, playing instruments, mobilography and choreography. Students of our university participated in all 5 directions, as a result of which the theater club “ALT VEGA” won 3rd place of honor, and the dance group “Ravens” received the nomination “Best Idea”. According to the results of the ALT festival, the University named after M. Tynyshpayev was recognized as the best creative university in Almaty.

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