
In JSC “ALT University named after M.Tynyshpaeva” held a round table on the topic “Construction of nuclear power plants in Kazakhstan: relevance and advantages of peaceful atom”.

The round table was attended by invited guests, faculty, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Department of Energy. The speakers present at the event discussed in detail the issues of environmental safety during the construction of a nuclear power plant (NPP). The participants discussed important issues on the environmental impact of nuclear power plants, nuclear waste management, climate impacts, as well as safety measures and personnel issues.

In the final part of the event, the speakers noted that the NPP will have a great impact on the development of the country’s economy and reduce the impact of carbonic acid on the environment.

The organizers of the round table called on the participants, and especially the youth, to actively participate in the referendum, which will be held on October 6.

From the media, the event was attended by a branch of the shopping mall of JSC “Kazakhstan” and JSC Agency “Khabar”.


On September 24, 2024, at ALT University named after M.Tynyshpaeva” held a round table on the topic “Construction of nuclear power plants in Kazakhstan: relevance and advantages of peaceful atom”.

The event is aimed at discussing topical issues related to the nuclear power plant construction project in Kazakhstan.

The round table was attended by invited guests, faculty, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the university.  During the event, issues of environmental safety during the construction of a nuclear power plant (NPP) were discussed.

The invited guest, the leading engineer of Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants LLP, Torgaev Asset, made a substantive report on the topic of the round table. He provided information on the current situation in the energy sector and the main types of electric energy sources and the expected development of their capacity, as well as on the possibility of building a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan and its advantages over other types of energy sources. The issues of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere were also considered.

The expert invited to the round table noted that it is important to develop nuclear energy, balancing its efficiency and environmental aspects. He also stressed the need for strict compliance with environmental requirements and raising public awareness during construction and operation.

The issues of the current state and the use of peaceful atom on a global scale were also highlighted, with the presentation of the exact numbers of operating reactors, with the new developed technologies of the world powers, which currently mainly produce electricity based on a nuclear power plant. The proposed location of the nuclear power plant was presented, as well as the companies that will implement the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant.

The participants discussed important issues about the environmental impact of nuclear power plants on nuclear waste affecting the climate, as well as safety measures. The prospects for the development of the use of nuclear energy in Kazakhstan were also considered, and examples of international experience were given. He noted the growing global shortage of electric energy, which requires the development of nuclear energy.

Deputy of the city maslikhat Bekbol Ramadan also said that the upcoming referendum will be another manifestation of a broad national dialogue and a vivid example of the implementation of the concept of a “hearing state”, a new socio-political culture is being formed, new standards for making key government decisions are being laid.

Yerzhan Yermekovich Turlybaev, Director of the Legal Support Department, informed that Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is engaged in uranium production. According to the international classification, nuclear power plants are included in the section “Green Energy”, this confirms their safety and stability. Currently, the issue of building a nuclear power plant in the Almaty region is being considered, the exact location is being clarified.

The nuclear power plant will be an important step in ensuring sustainable economic development and energy independence of the country. Our main priority is environmental safety. Modern technologies and international experience make it possible to minimize the impact of nuclear power plants on the environment.

Strict observance of environmental standards will protect Kazakhstan’s natural resources and leave a clean and safe environment for future generations.

Also, the doctoral student of the Department of Energy, Kali S.B., who was present at the round table, took an active part, asked questions and commented on the topic “Construction of nuclear power plants (NPP) in Kazakhstan: pros and cons”.

Yerkesh Abdrakhmanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy, spoke at the round table and expressed his point of view on the need to build a nuclear power plant. He also answered the questions of the participants of the round table.

The event also raised questions about personnel training for the nuclear industry.

Moderator of the round table, Assistant Professor of the Department of Energy Kaliev Zhanybek Zhanatuly highlighted the current state and trends in the development of railway electrification in the republic. The main constraint on the development of electrification is the shortage of electricity.

In the final part of the round table, the speakers noted that the NPP will have a great impact on the development of the country’s economy, reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the air and improve the environmental impact.

The organizers of the round table called on the participants, and especially the youth, to actively participate in the referendum, which will be held on October 6.

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