A debate on the topic “Renewable Energy Sources – The Only Future of Energy” was held at the university.

On March 11, 2025, as part of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal “Affordable and Clean Energy,” a debate on the topic “Renewable Energy Sources – The Only Future of Energy” took place at the university.

The event was organized by the faculty members of the Department of Energy:
D.Sc., Professor Kangozhin B.R., Assistant Professor Sapakоv A.Z., Senior Lecturer Smagulova G.K., Assistant Lecturer Ualiyeva Zh.T., and Doctoral Student Nurmakhanova A.E.

Second-year students, who had been preparing in advance for both positions, participated in the discussion. During the debate, teams were assigned their roles by drawing lots: “Qainar Kúsh” (FOR) and “REFUTERE” (AGAINST). The debate followed the Karl Popper format, which involves a reasoned discussion of opposing viewpoints.

The “Qainar Kúsh” team focused on the environmental benefits of renewable energy sources, their rapid development, and the decreasing cost of technologies.

In turn, the “REFUTERE” team emphasized the instability of renewable energy sources, the need for backup power capacities, and significant investment costs.

Based on the judges’ voting results, the “REFUTERE” team won the debate, scoring 360 points against 347 from their opponents.

The participants demonstrated a high level of preparation, strong argumentation, and excellent debate skills.

We express our gratitude to the organizers and all participants for an engaging and insightful discussion conducted at a high level!

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