September 17, 2024 at alt University. M. Tynyshpayeva held a huge, large-scale youth holiday for 1st year students “Ice Cream PARTY”, organized by the Student Government of the University. The free format made it possible to get acquainted with students of all institutes, combine the interests of novice young people and quickly adapt them. 

The evening was organized in the style of” shulama”. The host of the event was ansagan Sadirkhanov.Invited guests of the evening: Teddyalish, Kilemger, SHULAMAH and 16 Group shone the public. 2 prizes were played for the” best youth style “of the brand”Basqa”. 

This holiday brought together more than 1,500 freshmen. Feedback from students about the event was positive and suggested continuing a good and creative tradition.

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