During the event, university staff and students recalled the country‘s historical events on the path to independence and made informative presentations on the importance of independence. The students demonstrated their art and decorated the evening with patriotic performances, songs and dance numbers.
During the event dedicated to our specialists who have made a great contribution to the development of our University, we were awarded honorary medals “ALT” and a letter of thanks from the akim of Almaly district and the Department of “Youth Policy” of Almaty.
On this day, the history was shown and a scene of past events and real achievements of Kazakhstan was given, national values were glorified. The spirit of responsibility for freedom and the future of the country was especially noticeable among the youth. At the end of the event, the youth of the University of an independent country performed a song performed by young cadets of the Institute of Military Affairs, once again emphasizing the importance of working in unity and peace.
May our independence last forever! Let‘s, as the generation of a sovereign country, take a confident step into the future!