On September 1, a solemn event was held at the Academy of Logistics and Transport JSC for the “Day of Knowledge”. The event was attended by over 1,500 students, faculty and specially invited guests.

The President-Rector of the Academy S.N. Amirgalieva, member of the Council of Veterans- K.S.Sambetov and General Director of the company «Aravt» – Sh.A. Tuleushin delivered a congratulatory speech and parting words to the first-year students. During the event, a student ID card was awarded to Zhangaliyev Miras, who scored the highest 121 points at the UNT among students enrolled this year. In addition, 36 activists who worked in the campaign team and the admissions committee were awarded certificates from the domestic brand “Qazaq Republic” and letters of thanks from the President-Rector of the Academy.

The guests of the event were the group «Zheti shakyrym» and who gave unforgettable impressions to the first-year students.

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