on September 3, 2024, a fair was organized for students by the 1st Student Government of the University and the heads of creative clubs. The fair was attended by clubs: dance, theater, vocal, debate, instrumental, KVN, intellectual, ART studio, oratorical, media club, club for girls and psychological clubs. 

The freshmen took part in this event with pleasure and interest. The fair was held in colored colors, each student association showed its creative performances and performances. Students had the opportunity to enroll in clubs. The theater club was replenished with 52 participants, 77 participants signed up for KVN, the oratorical club – 70 students, 48 students want to perform at the dombra, 29 people wanted to enter the psychological club, 33 participants joined the Senim girls club, the dance club accepted 81 students, 31 students want to do needlework, the media club attracted 42 participants, 50 vocalists joined the vocal club, 19 more people wished to become debaters, intellectual clubs attracted the attention of 49 intellectuals. 

Dear club members, welcome to the active, colorful, creative student life of ALT University named after M.Tynyshpaeva.

P.S. The freshmen expressed their wishes to organize a fair of sports sections. The organizers will definitely fulfill the wishes of our freshmen.

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