The Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS” is a union of transport and logistics organizations and associations of Kazakhstan, which is the public coordinator of the development of transport logistics, the global transit potential of Kazakhstan and the synergy of all modes of transport. The tasks of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS” are interaction with government agencies on the development of the transport and logistics system (TLS) and the development of public-private partnership, participation in the development of legislative and regulatory acts, support of KAZLOGISTICS members in the implementation of projects in the field of transport services

Today at the Academy there was a lesson for our students from the General Director Erlan Absatov, the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS”. In general, the lecture was very interesting and relevant; it is especially important that the examples given from experience increase students’ interest in their specialty. Together with the students we discussed many job opportunities, the meeting was a key moment for all Academy students, thank you for the meeting!

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