Rector’s blog



Steps to a brilliant future begins with the right choice of higher education institution and this choice is very difficult, responsible, because it determines the entire path of a young person’s future life. Only a high-quality higher education and the acquisition of a demanded profession allows a person to gain self-confidence, become a competitive specialist, ensure his career growth and, importantly, high, stable income. The educational process in the  ALT UNIVERSITY is directly related to the industry of rail, road and electric transport, including the metro. We also prepare specialists in information technology and telecommunications with personnel financial and economic structures of the country.

ALT UNIVERSITY graduates are also waiting for jobs in such national companies as: JSC Kazakhtelecom, JSC NC Kazavtozhol, JSC KEGOC, Union of Kazakhstan transport workers «KAZLOGISTICS» etc.

Such industries are in constant development, respectively, professionals are always needed here. Currently, the  UNIVERSITY is the main supplier of state-owned enterprises by highly qualified specialists. Specialists who are waiting for jobs, specialists who are the engine of progress and the guarantor of the industrial development of our country! So you can become a specialist!

ALT UNIVERSITY – are reliable and caring hands with which you can safely entrust your future! Today you have the opportunity to create this future with our help, and tomorrow you will transfer your professional knowledge and experience to the younger generation!

Having received education in our walls, you will definitely take a worthy place in life!

Question to the rector

15 + 7 =

Also, if you are faced with the facts of extortion of bribes or any other manifestations of a corrupt nature, as well as if you are not indifferent to this problem, you can contact the following helpline:
+7 777 970 2255, as well as via WhatsApp messenger and Telegram !!! Anonymity is guaranteed !!!

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