
Tariffs for educational services for the 2024-2025 academic year
Final attestation
Примерный перечень тем дипломных работ на 2024-2025 учебный год

Перечень дисциплин, выносимых на аттестационный (комплексный) экзамен в 2024-25 учебном году

График Итоговой Аттестации бакалавров (зимней) 2024-2025 учебного года



6В11330 Транспортная логистика

6В11367 Организация дорожного движения

6В07116 Вагоны

6В07117 Локомотивы

6В07118 Путевые и дорожные машины

6В07119 Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство

6В07120 Автоматизация и управление

6В07121 Электроэнергетика

6В07128 Железнодорожный путь и путевое хозяйство

6В07129 Мосты, тоннели и метрополитены

6В07130 Автомобильные дороги и аэродромы

6В07131 Линейные трубопроводы

6В07188 IT Энергетика

6В11326 Организация перевозок, движения и эксплуатация транспорта

6В06209 Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации



6В06209 Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации

6В07116 Вагоны

6В07117 Локомотивы

6В07118 Путевые и дорожные машины

6В07119 Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство

6В07120 Автоматизация и управление

6В07121 Электроэнергетика

6В07128 Железнодорожный путь и путевое хозяйство

6В07129 Мосты, тоннели и метрополитены

6В07130 Автомобильные дороги и аэродромы

6В07131 Линейные трубопроводы

6В07188 IT-Энергетика

6В11326 Организация перевозок, движения и эксплуатация транспорта

6В11330 Транспортная логистика

6В11367 Организация дорожного движения

Rules for awarding a state grant

2 раза в год МНВО РК присуждает вакантные образовательные гранты, главным критерием выступает успеваемость студентов.

После зимней и летней сессий (до 10 января и 22 июля текущего года) студенты предоставляют в деканат – заявление на имя министра МНВО РК, выписку из транскрипта, копию удостоверения личности.

Правила присуждения образовательных грантов

Scholarship Information
Information about the state scholarship for the first half of the 2024-2025 academic year
Education level Scholarship amounts Institute of “Energy and Digital Technologies” Institute of “Transport and construction” Institute of “Logistics and business” Total number of fellows as a percentage, %
Doctoral degree usual 11 11 7 29 100
Master’s degree usual 7 15 24 46 100
The surcharge is 15% 1 1 0 2
Bachelor’s degree usual 1304 1389 118 2811 68
The surcharge is 15% 30 18 11 59
The surcharge is 30% 11 6 3 20
The surcharge is 75% 3 0 0 3
He is on academic leave. 1 1 0 2
Grant from the President – Rector of ALT University 7 7 21 35
Grant from the local budget (MINE) 1 3 0 4
Total for the ALT University of Mukhametzhan Tynyshbayev 3011


Awarding of a targeted scholarship of the chairman of the Management Board of JSC” National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy ” for the 2022-2023 academic year

Full name of students Group of the educational program Educational program Group
1 Даниярова Алтынай Айтжанқызы B095 Transport service 6B11330 Transport logistics 2
2 Сасамбаев Даурен Джамбулович B095 Transport service 6B11330 Transport logistics 3
3 Айдарбекұлы Ақжігіт B095 Transport service 6B11330 Transport logistics 2
4 Ержанова Нурай Бауыржанқызы B095 Transport service 6B11330 Transport logistics 2
5 Нурғазы Алтынай Маратқызы B095 Transport service 6B11330 Transport logistics 2
6 Құрсақбай Бүркіт Бекболатұлы B065 Motor Vehicles 6b07117 locomotives 2
7 Баширов Султан Сулхаддинович B095 Transport service 6B11330 Transport logistics 2


The number of students of the educational grant under the Magistral program for the 2022-2023 academic year

Institute Course Total number of students
2 3 4
1 Automation and telecommunications 6 5 2 13
2 Logistics and management 5 11 6 22
3 Transport engineering 1     1
Total by Academy 12 16 8 36
Description of the form of the diploma of ALT University named after Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev in 2025 year
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, since 2021, the ALT University named after Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev issues diplomas of its own sample. The design of the diplomas includes the ALT University logo; special paper with protective watermarks is used in the production of diplomas.

Diplomas comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they display the name of the educational program, the data of the graduate, the form of education. Diplomas are signed by the first head – the president-rector of ALT University. When issuing a diploma, a unique identification number is set, which is generated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this number is stored in the National Educational Database, which makes it possible to determine its authenticity.

  1. Diploma of higher education with the award of a bachelor’s degree (sample 1)
  2. Diploma of higher education with honors with the award of a bachelor’s degree (sample 2)
  3. Diploma of postgraduate education with the award of a master’s degree (sample 3)

The diplomas have the logo of the independent agency for quality assurance in education – IQAA, which confirms that the quality of graduate training meets the ESG requirements and the Salzburg Principles.

The name of the university is reflected on the front side of the diploma in the middle, and the ALT University logo is presented.

The diploma is completed in three languages.

The diploma is completed as follows:
– the logo of JSC “ALT University” is indicated in the footer;
– a QR code is installed in the lower right corner, and the IQAA logo is installed in the left corner;
– in the first line “full name of the higher educational institution” the official name of JSC “ALT University named after Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev” is indicated;
– in the line “decision of the Attestation Commission” the date, number of the protocol of the Attestation Commission is indicated;
– in the line “surname, first name and patronymic (if any)” for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have completed their studies, they are written in full in accordance with the entry in the identity document (or its replacement document);
– in the line “surname, first name and patronymic (if any)” of a foreign citizen are recorded according to the data of a foreign passport;
– in the line “degree awarded”, the name of the degree awarded “bachelor/master” is written;
– in the line “code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program”, the code, name of the specialty and (or) educational program is indicated;
– in the line “form of study” the form of study is indicated. When students master more than 50% of the disciplines of educational programs with the use of distance learning technologies, the corresponding mark “with the use of distance learning technologies” is indicated in the line “form of education”;
– the form indicates the series and number of the issued diploma, the city of Almaty, the date of issue of the form: the day (in number), month (in words) and year (in four-digit number), registration number of the form according to the registration journal of issued forms.

The signature of the head of JSC “ALT University” in the forms is affixed with a ballpoint pen with black ink. The seal of JSC “ALT University” is placed on the place reserved for seal.

The Diploma Supplement (transcript) on the education of one’s own sample in three languages is filled in as follows:

  1. On the front side:
    – surname, first name, patronymic (if any) are indicated in full;
    – date of birth of the graduate
    – in the line “Previous document on education” the name of the document on education, on the basis of which this person was enrolled in JSC “ALT University”, the number of the document and the year of its issue is indicated. If the previous document on education was obtained abroad, its name is indicated in translation into the state, Russian and other languages and the name of the country in which this document was issued;
    – in the lines “Entered in” and “Completed training in”, in four-digit numbers are indicated, respectively, the year of admission and the year of graduation, as well as the full name of the educational institution to which this person entered, and JSC “ALT University”, which this person graduated from;
    – in the line “Total number of mastered academic credits – ECTS” – indicate the number of credits in numbers;
    – in the line “Weighted average assessment (GPA) of training” – the average score for the entire period of study is indicated in numbers;

– the line “Professional practice” indicates the name of the types of practices, the number of academic credits – ECTS, grades (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words);
– in the line “Final certification” indicates the name of the disciplines of the state exams, the number of academic credits – ECTS, grades (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words);
– in the line “Completion and defense of the thesis project / work”, the topic of the thesis project / work or dissertation is indicated, the number of academic credits – ECTS, grades (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words);
– in the line “Level of compliance with the national qualification framework” the level is indicated in numbers: for bachelor’s degree – 6, for master’s degree – 7;

  1. On the inside:
    – the line “theoretical training” indicates the number, discipline code, name of disciplines, number of academic credits – ECTS. Assessment (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words);
    – in the line “Number of credits of theoretical training” and “number of ECTS credits of theoretical training”, the number of credits of theoretical training is indicated in numbers;
    – in the line “By the decision of the attestation commission” the number of the protocol and the date are indicated in numbers;
    – in the line “Awarded (assigned)” the degree / qualification is indicated;
    – in the line “By specialty and (or) educational program” the code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program are indicated.

The suppplement to the document on the formation of its own sample is signed by the first head of JSC “ALT University named after Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev” – the president-rector. The seal of the educational institution is placed on the place reserved for seal. A diploma of higher and postgraduate education without a supplement to the diploma is invalid.


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