Scientific-research work
The research activities of the University are related to scientific research, research, experiments in order to expand existing and obtain new knowledge, test scientific hypotheses, establish patterns of development of nature and society, scientific generalization, scientific substantiation of projects in the field of logistics and transport.
The scientific and technical activities of the University are aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge in the transport and communication industry for solving technological, design, economic and socio-political and other tasks, ensuring the functioning of science, technology and production as a single system, including the development of regulatory and technical documentation, necessary for these studies.
The department of science and innovation is a structural subdivision of the University that provides the organization and support of scientific and scientific and technical activities.

Science plans
Contact Information
050012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 97 Shevchenko str., 6th floor, office 2609.
tel. +7 (727) 2922709; email:,