YSC Projects
Project name with IRN number |
AP13068231 «Research and development of algorithms for the operation of the national system of electronic interlocking of point machines and signals» |
Priority direction |
Information, Communication, and Space Technologies |
Project/Program Scientific Supervisor |
Sansyzbay Kanibek Muratbekuly, PhD, JSC “ALT University named after Muhamedzhan Tynyshpayev” |
Registration Number and Contract Date |
Contract No. 126-KMU3 dated May 20, 2022 |
Relevance |
The general condition of the resources of railway automation and telemechanics is close to critical. More than 70% of the main RAT devices that directly ensure the safety and control of train traffic are operated with a long service life. If measures are not taken in the near future to reconstruct and modernize railway sections equipped with existing SCB systems, then by 2025 this figure may exceed 80%. The existing structure and the state of the technical resources of the RAT are a restraining factor in solving the problems of the development of railway transport. Therefore, there has been a need to introduce modern microprocessor-based RAT systems that fully meet the tasks of creating an integrated system. The expected results of this project will be: a developed physical model of microprocessor centralization of arrows and signals based on programmable logic controllers in compliance with the requirements of CENELEC standards, developed regulatory and technical documents that will be used by design organizations and transport enterprises in the design of the system for implementation at railway stations. |
Objective (according to the application) |
Domestic share development of microprocessor systems in the country’s railway transport; research and development of algorithms for the operation of a prototype of the national system of microprocessor centralization of arrows and signals for implementation on the main railway network JSC «NC «KTZ» increasing the transit potential of the RK. |
Expected results |
1. Research of the current state of the problem of software development of microprocessor systems for centralization of arrows and signals. Development of technical specifications for the preparation of hardware and software complex. Completion form: review article, technical specification for the preparation of hardware and software complex. 2. Patent search and collection of information on the operated systems of microprocessor centralization of arrows and signals, analysis of the experience of using them in developed countries of the world. Consequently, the experience of using them in the developed countries of the world will be analyzed. Completion form: patent information search report, brief information on the Project. 3. Study of CENELEC standards. Development of technical documentation of the installation for the management of station facilities (traffic lights and arrows). Completion form: design documentation for the development of the installation, brief information on the Project, 1 article in the publication recommended by the CCSES. 4. Development of architecture and computer simulation of the schematic diagram of the installation of a microprocessor system for the centralization of arrows and signals. Completion form: a computer model of the installation of a microprocessor system for the centralization of arrows and signals, patent application for invention. 5. Preparation of the program code of a microprocessor system for centralizing arrows and signals in compliance with the requirements of CENELEC standards. Completion form: scientific and technical report on the development of program codes. 6. Verification and validation of the program code of the microprocessor system for the centralization of arrows and signals in compliance with the requirements of CENELEC standards (EN50128 and EN50126) without connecting the installation to outdoor devices. Completion form: technical documentation and results of software verification and validation, brief information on the Project. 7. Manufacture, assembly and commissioning of the installation for the management of station facilities (traffic lights and arrows). Completion form: technical documentation of the experimental installation, technical report, test plan, 1 article in a rating publication included in the Scopus or Web of Science database with a percentile of at least 35. 8. Trial start-up and testing of the installation of a microprocessor system for the centralization of arrows and signals for setting train and shunting routes in compliance with their interdependencies. Completion form: research report, 1 article in a rating publication included in the Scopus or Web of Science database with a percentile of at least 35. |
List of Full Names of Research Group Members |
1. Sansyzbay Kanibek Muratbekuly – Scientific Supervisor; 2. Orunbekov Maxat Bagibaevich – Leading Researcher; 3. Shukamanov Zhanibek Erikovich – Senior Researcher; 4. Tasbolatova Laura Talgatqyzy – Senior Researcher; 5. Sagmedinov Daniyar Bakytbekuly – Senior Researcher; 6. Seitbekova Aynagul Manarbekovna – Researcher; 7. Orazbayev Kuat Zhumageldinovich – Junior Researcher; 8. Kozhabaev Nurbulat Moldagalievich – Engineer; 9. Patokin Gennady Stepanovich – Engineer. |
Achieved results |
The objectives and tasks for the reporting period were fully completed according to the schedule and technical specifications: For 2022: – a comparative analysis of existing microprocessor systems for switches and signals on railways in distant and nearby countries was conducted; – based on the comparative analysis of microprocessor systems for switches and signals on railways, several recommendations were proposed to solve the pressing issues of railway transport, and measures were suggested for the modernization of signaling and centralization devices by system type: dispatcher centralization, electric centralization, and automatic blocking; – a technical assignment was developed for the preparation of the hardware-software complex of microprocessor systems; – patent search work was conducted on the microprocessor systems for switches and signals in operation on railways worldwide using the Derwent Innovations Index (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics) databases; – Scientific articles from international peer-reviewed journals included in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles according to JCR (Journal Citation Reports) data in the Web of Science Core Collection and with a CiteScore percentile of at least 25% in the Scopus database were collected and analyzed for a qualitative comparative analysis of microprocessor systems in railway automation and telemechanics; – qualitative indicators were identified for the microprocessor system for switches and signals being implemented (developed); – the standards of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), responsible for European standards in the field of electrical engineering, were studied; – the specification and technical conditions for the developing microprocessor system were defined; – technical requirements for the microprocessor system were defined; – the principal electrical diagram of the microprocessor system for switch and signal centralization was developed. For 2023: – a mathematical model of the microprocessor system KZ-MPC-MA was developed; – a computer model of the installation of microprocessor system for the centralization of switches and signals was created; – an application for a patent for the invention “National Microprocessor Centralization System with Modular Architecture KZ-MPC-MA” was submitted; – the commissioning work on configuring the laboratory control cabinet based on safe PLCs HIMA was completed; – the software code for the interdependence of switches and signals at the station equipped with the microprocessor system was developed, adhering to all conditions for the installation of train and shunting routes; – all requirements for the completeness, safety, and protection of software codes during the development of microprocessor centralization were defined based on a qualitative analysis of the standards: EN 50126-5 (Railway Applications – Communication, Signaling and Processing Systems – Software for Railway Control and Protection Systems); – work on the verification and validation of the software for the microprocessor system for switch and signal centralization was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the standards EN50128:2011 «Railway applications – Communication, signalling and processing systems – Software for railway control and protection systems» and EN50126-2:2018 (Main) «Railway Applications – The Specification and Demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) – Part 2: Systems Approach to Safety according to CENELEC»; – technical documentation for the software code of the microprocessor system KZ-MPC-MA was compiled; – a brief report on the results of the second stage of the research project was prepared. For 2024 – a system for managing station objects, ensuring their interdependence, such as signals and switches, was manufactured and assembled; – technical documentation for the experimental installation KZ-MPC-MA was compiled, involving undergraduate students. Based on the results obtained, students Omirbek S.B. and Jumatay A.A. participated in the Republican competition of scientific research works of students in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of “Automation and Control,” where they achieved an honorable second place and were awarded a II degree DIPLOMA; – a plan for conducting tests of the national microprocessor centralization system model for switches and signals with modular architecture KZ-MPC-MA was developed; – a patent for the invention was obtained; – the commissioning work on installing the laboratory control cabinet for ground objects based on safe PLCs HIMA was completed; – work is ongoing on the trial launch and testing of the microprocessor system for switch and signal centralization KZ-MPC-MA for setting train and shunting routes while maintaining their interdependencies. Work in this section is ongoing and will be completed by the end of the year according to the calendar plan. |
List of publications with DOI (including links) and patents published within the framework of the project |
1. Sansyzbay K.M., Orunbekov M.B., Shukamanov Zh.E., Tasbolatova L.T., Sagmedinov D.B. General trends in the development of railway automation and telemechanics systems on the railroad network of Kazakhstan. KazATC Bulletin, 121(2), 414–424. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2022-121-2-414-424 2. Sansyzbay K.M., Vedernikov B.M., Tasbolatova L.T., Orunbekov M.B., Shukamanov Zh.E. the effect of the traction current asymmetry on the stability of the RC and ALS equipment. KazATC Bulletin, 123(4), 319–329. https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2022-123-4-319-329 3. Sansyzbay K., Bakhtiyarova E., Batyrkhanov M., Tasbolatova L., Sagmedinov D. Analysis of the emergency situation at railway crossings in Kazakhstan. KazATC Bulletin, 125(2), 401–411. https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2023-125-2-401-411 4. Patent for the invention RK No. 36788 “Microprocessor-based centralization system with modular architecture KZ-MPC-MA” Authors: Sansyzbay K.M., Patokin G.S., Batyrkhanov M.Sh., Bakhtiyarova E., Sagmedinov D.B., Tasbolatova L.T. Publication date: 14.06.2024. 5. Kanibek Sansyzbay, Yelena Bakhtiyarova, Teodor Iliev, Laura Tasbolatova, Daniyar Sagmedinov. Method of Evaluation of the TETRA Standard Data Transmission Channel for Ensuring Information Security of the Railway Transport System.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2512-2521. DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-77 (https://www.temjournal.com/content/133/TEMJournalAugust2024_2512_2521.pdf) (CiteScore 2.2, 51st percentile, Q3). 6. Kanibek Sansyzbay, Yelena Bakhtiyarova, Teodor Iliev, Gennady S. Patokin, Laura Tasbolatova, Daniyar Sagmedinov. Development of an algorithm for a national microprocessor-based centralization system with a modular architecture MPC-MA-KZ featuring advanced intelligent control functions // IEEE Access 2024 (Under review, Scopus percentile – 92%). |
Sustainable Development Goals:
Transport is one of the main components of sustainable development.