The «ALT University» Health Center

Әуелбек Назгүл Асылханқызы


Auelbek Nazgul Asylkhankyzy – general practitioner


Қыдыралы Әсел Ықыласқызы


Kydyraly Asel Ykylaskyzy


The «ALT University» Health Center is organized in accordance with the established procedure and is a structural subdivision of ALT University JSC.

In its activities, the health center is guided by the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 The main tasks of the health center are:

  • Provision of first aid in case of sudden illnesses, injuries, poisoning, referral of patients and victims to a polyclinic or hospital, and, if necessary, organization of their transportation;
  • Outpatient admission of sick students, medical exemption of students from classes until the end of the academic year with the issuance of a health certificate;
  • Participation in the development of measures to reduce morbidity;
  • Organization of explanatory work among young people on the prevention of diseases (tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, etc.);
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people.

In accordance with the main tasks, the health center conducts:

  • Preparatory measures for the organization of preventive medical examinations and medical examination of students;
  • As prescribed by a doctor, anti-relapse treatment of persons under dispensary supervision;
  • Timely referral to the polyclinic and control of the attendance of dispensary patients for repeated medical examinations, examination and treatment;
  • Sanitary and educational work;
  • Organization of regular preventive medical examination of students at the university, coordination of work based on the results of medical indications;
  • Organization of work on the registration of orphans with tuberculosis, joint work with the Department of Educational and Social Work;
  • Under the guidance of a district doctor, the health center conducts anti-epidemic measures (preventive vaccinations, identification and monitoring of persons who have been in contact with infectious patients, etc.).

First aid station opening hours: daily from 8:30 to 17:30 (except Sunday).

Contact phone number: 260-13-59, 24-hour First aid station Call Center – 87477180709
The first aid station is located on the 3rd floor, 4th pavilion, office 4301, GUK ul. Shevchenko, 97.
Medical stations are located: in DS #1 on ul. Maulenova 108, in DS #2 on ul. Maulenova 110, in DS #3 on ul. Maulenova 112, in DS #4 on ul. Masanchi 88.

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