A museum is a place where memories live!

Head of the museum
Ibraimov Amanbai Kuatalievich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission
Email: a.ibraimov@alt.edu.kz
On May 5, 1994, the opening of the ALT University Museum took place, which was partially updated in 2010, and on the eve of the 85th anniversary of ALT University in 2016, it was completely updated. The museum is located on the second floor near the assembly hall.
The museum was opened with the aim of patriotic education of the younger generation and showing respect to those who stood at the origins of the steel line, as well as career guidance among school graduates and young people when choosing a future profession. The museum pays special attention to individuals who made a significant contribution to the formation and development of railway transport.
The first floor is dedicated to the history of railways and the history of ALT University. The museum reflects the period from the revival of the Great Silk Road to the steel highways of our days. At the beginning of the twentieth century. The length of the Kazakh railway was 11,009 km. This includes the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian Railway, which became the pride of the First Five-Year Plan, and the creation of the Kazakh Railway, one of the largest in the CIS.
The exhibitions contain rich and unique materials on the history of the creation of University, which show the main stages of its development and formation, the most important achievements in scientific and pedagogical activities, about outstanding scientists, teachers and figures of the University from the moment of its creation until 2016.
Many exhibits reflect the scientific and technical potential of the transport and communications complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the achievements of the teaching staff of the university, scientific and creative ties with universities near and far abroad.
On the second floor there is a corner of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as a corner of state symbols and famous railway workers.
The pride of the museum is a corner dedicated to M. Tynyshpayev, a Kazakh public figure, deputy of the Second State Duma of Russia, Prime Minister of the Turkestan Autonomy, member of the Alash Orda, the first Kazakh railway engineer, an active participant in the design and construction of the Turkestan-Siberian Railway, where it is stored a desktop with drawings of TurkSib, a bookcase and other exhibits from the early twentieth century.
The museum conducts introductory and thematic excursions for applicants and students, as well as for guests who often visit during general academic events at various levels.
Museum address: Almaty, st. Shevchenko, 97, GUK, 2nd floor (near the assembly hall)
Phone: 292-75-89