Institute of “Basic and distance education”

Ташимбетова Акдана Турсынхановна

Director of the Institute "Basic and Distance Education"

Tashimbetova Akdana Tursynkhanovna, Master of Nuclear Physics


The strengthening of the role of distance technology in higher education was considered as one of the main trends in the development of the world educational system. Everyone, regardless of their place of residence and financial well-being, will be able to take training courses at the most prestigious universities in the world.

Distance learning (DT) is one of the main elements of the process of modernization of the world education system, which seeks to overcome technological, regulatory and organizational barriers to ensuring high standards of quality of training, a comfortable learning environment in accordance with current time challenges.

The main tasks are to modernize the content of distance education programs of higher and postgraduate education in the context of world trends for the training of competitive graduates, improvement of the educational process in accordance with modern standards of vocational education, expansion of the remote educational process, diversification of the provided educational services due to the introduction of new remote educational technologies, ICT-based, and the expansion of target groups of recipients of education services, preparation and training of applicants, foreign students, first-year students under the Foundation program for 1 year.

Welcome to our Institute and our Academy! We are always glad to see in our institute dedicated and ambitious young people aimed at getting a brilliant education.

History of the Institute

2018 – the Distance Learning Center was established.

2021- expansion of the activities of the Distance Learning Center and its renaming to the Institute ” Basic and Distance Education (IBDE).

Contacts of the Institute

Institute: Basic and distance education

Address: 97 Shevchenko str., Masanchi ug.
Contact information: 2 floor, office No. 2216
Phone: ext. 10-33
You can also contact the directorate through the virtual reception


Ташимбетова Акдана Турсынхановна

Director of the Institute "Basic and Distance Education"

Tashimbetova Akdana Tursynkhanovna, Master of Nuclear Physics



Chief specialist

Shekeybaeva Almagul Nurbosynkyzy

coordinator for the OP “Organization of transportation, traffic and
operation of transport”, “Transport logistics”,

contact tel. 8-701-315-97-15

Берсембаева Самал Кайраткызы

Chief specialist

Bersembayeva Samal Kairatkyzy

expert on the EP “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”, “Transport logistics”, “Management of services in the industry”

mob.: +7 707 683 4403

Educational program

Duration of training

On the basis of higher education 2 or 2.5 years are carried out. Each year includes two academic periods (autumn session and spring session). The periods of the session organization are determined by the academic calendar for each academic year.

On the basis of technical and vocational education (after college), training is carried out for 2 years 5 months or 3 years. Each year includes two academic periods (autumn session and spring session). The periods of the session organization are determined by the academic calendar for each academic year.

Languages of study:  Russian

Stages of training:

Stage 1 – Orientation week (for one week)
Stage 2 – The process of theoretical training
Stage 3 – Control and evaluation


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