ALT International Activities

Joint Stock Company «Mukhametzhan Tynyshpayev ALT University» (hereinafter – ALT) is the largest higher education institution and research center in the Republic of Kazakhstan for training engineering personnel for the transport-communication and logistics industry and conducting research in the field of industrial safety, surveying, designing engineering systems and networks, and developing regulatory and technical documentation.

ALT strives to keep pace with global trends in higher education and integrate into the global educational space by:

  • Seeking, developing, and establishing effective sustainable connections with leading universities around the world, scientific and educational organizations;
  • Searching for new international scholarship programs and student exchange programs, disseminating information, and providing consultations for students, faculty, and staff of ALT;
  • Ensuring academic mobility of students, faculty, and staff of ALT, as well as attracting students from foreign countries to study at ALT;
  • Developing multilingual education;
  • Attracting foreign specialists to give lectures and conduct other joint events.

ALT implements joint agreements and memorandums of cooperation with higher education institutions, organizations, and research institutes from 20 countries near and far abroad, including Germany, France, Spain, Finland, China, South Korea, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Academic Mobility

Academic mobility is one of the priority areas of international activities at ALT. This initiative provides opportunities for students, postgraduates, and young researchers to continue their education or gain research experience abroad. The main goal of developing academic mobility programs is to enhance the quality of education, improve mutual understanding between different nations and cultures, and nurture a new generation prepared for life and work in the international information community.

Education within the framework of academic mobility is carried out according to international cooperation agreements between ALT and foreign partner universities.

The direction of students for study abroad within the framework of academic mobility is funded by:

  1. Republican budget funds;
  2. ALT funds;
  3. Grants from employers, social, academic, and research partners, international and domestic funds, and scholarships;
  4. Personal funds of the students.

Students can participate in the academic mobility program in their (or a related) specialty throughout the entire period of their studies, except for the first and last semesters.

Based on student applications, the dean of the relevant faculty, together with the department, considers the possibility of organizing an academic mobility program by comparing the curricula of the host university and ALT. In the event of differences in subjects, students cover the necessary courses on a paid basis.

1. Rules for Overseas Training within the Framework of Academic Mobility Funded by the Republican Budget

Overseas training within the framework of academic mobility funded by the republican budget is conducted on a competitive basis. A Republican Commission is formed to select candidates, involving members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, independent experts from non-governmental organizations, and well-known public figures, consisting of at least 15 people. The composition of the Commission is approved by the order of the authorized body in the field of education.

The main task of the Commission is to determine the number of places for each university and to conduct the selection of students. The authorized body in the field of education announces the competition for overseas training at the beginning of the academic year. Applicants submit their documents through the electronic Government portal within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of the competition announcement.

When selecting candidates for training within the framework of academic mobility, in the case of equal points, preference is given to:

  1. Orphans or students without parental care;
  2. Individuals with disabilities from childhood or other disabled individuals;
  3. Students from large families.

If the points are equal among the aforementioned categories, all candidates are allowed for overseas training within the framework of academic mobility.

The Commission reviews the submitted documents of the applicants and, through an open vote, forms the main and reserve lists of students for each university separately.

If a candidate from the main list refuses to go for training, their replacement is carried out according to the order of the reserve list. The statement of refusal is written in any form.

The order for overseas training within the framework of academic mobility is posted on the website of the authorized body and sent to universities within 3 (three) working days after the approval of the order by the authorized body.

The timing for sending candidates who have passed the competition for training within the framework of academic mobility is determined separately in each case in accordance with the beginning of the academic period in the country of training.

Upon completion of the stay at the partner university, the student submits a transcript for credit transfer to the Department of Academic Policy and Quality (DAPQ) of ALT, as well as signed ECTS agreements and statements to the Department of Corporate Cooperation (DCC).

Documents for Participation in the Competition for Overseas Training Funded by the Republican Budget:
  1. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan (notarized color copy).
  2. Medical certificate (for those traveling abroad) in form No. 082/u, approved by the order of the acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010, No. 907 (registered in the State Registration Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 6697).
  3. Educational documents (notarized color copies):

For Bachelor’s program:

  • Transcript of current academic performance.

For Master’s program:

  • Bachelor’s/Specialist’s diploma with an appendix and transcript of current academic performance.

For Residency program:

  • Bachelor’s/Specialist’s diploma with an appendix, certificate of completion of internship with an appendix, and transcript of current academic performance.

For Doctoral program:

  • Master’s diploma with an appendix or certificate of completion of residency with an appendix, and an extract from the department meeting on the relevance of the scientific dissertation and the need for training.
  1. Internationally recognized certificate confirming the level of English proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL).
  2. Written consent of parents, guardians, legal representatives for candidates under eighteen years of age, for a period of more than 2 (two) months.
  3. Copies of certificates, diplomas, letters of appreciation (if available, in specialization, notarized and translated into the state or Russian language).
  4. Copies of birth certificates of four or more minor children living together or a copy of the court decision on adoption, address certificates for all minor children living together, to confirm the large family status of the student.
  5. Document confirming the absence of parents (for the category of students who are orphans or students without parental care, if available).

9. Disability certificate in the form approved by the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 30, 2015, No. 44 «On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Medical and Social Expertise» (registered in the State Registration Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 10589).

2. Rules for Enrolling in Overseas Education within the Framework of Academic Mobility of Students Outside the Republican Budget Funds

A candidate, after identifying differences in the curricula of the host university and ALT, submits an application to the President-Rector of ALT requesting permission to study at the chosen university. In case of a positive decision, the DCC issues an order for enrollment in overseas education within the framework of academic mobility.

Academic Mobility Funded by International Programs (ERASMUS+, DAAD, FULBRIGHT, etc.)

International programs usually fully cover all expenses of the academic mobility participant: tuition, travel to and from the place of study, and accommodation in the host country. The details of the funding conditions and the study period in each specific case are determined by a four-party agreement.

In the event that the academic mobility participant is studying at ALT on a paid basis, the payment conditions provided for by the paid educational services contract remain in effect for the period of study at the partner university.

The DCC concludes a four-party Memorandum between the university, the organizers of international programs, the student, and the partner university.

The student is sent after the actual receipt of funds into the ALT’s account from the international program organizer.

Information about international programs is communicated to students through social networks and posted on the university’s website.

International programs generally require an adequate level of English proficiency and/or the language of the host country with a supporting document confirming the passing of an official language test, a GPA of at least 3, and a recommendation letter from the head of the department, endorsed by the dean of the faculty.

Most international programs require online registration, after which they request the original documents. Expenses related to the preparation and sending of documents are covered by the participant’s funds.

Upon completion of their stay at the partner university, students submit to the DAPQ transcript, an academic certificate, and an advance report to the university’s accounting department.

Documents for Participation in the Competition for Overseas Education within the Framework of Academic Mobility Funded by Points 2), 3), and 4:
  1. Passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan citizen;
  2. Medical certificate (for those traveling abroad) in the form № 082/у;
  3. Education documents (notarized color copies):

 For enrollment in the «Bachelor’s» program:

  • Transcript of current academic performance;

For enrollment in the «Master’s» program:

  • Bachelor’s/Specialist’s diploma with an appendix and transcript of current academic performance;

For enrollment in the «Residency» program:

  • Bachelor’s/Specialist’s diploma with an appendix, certificate of internship completion with an appendix, and transcript of current academic performance;

For enrollment in the «Doctoral» program:

  • Master’s diploma with an appendix or certificate of residency completion with an appendix and a department meeting excerpt on the relevance of the scientific dissertation and the necessity of enrollment;
  1. Certificate confirming the level of English proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.);
  2. Questionnaire for those traveling abroad;
  3. Study agreement (in Russian/English) in 3 copies;
  4. ECTS application (in Russian/English) in 3 copies;
  5. Certificate of enrollment from the current educational institution;
  6. Written consent from parents, guardians, or legal representatives for applicants under eighteen years old for a period exceeding 2 (two) months;
  7. Other documents required by the host university.

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