Scientific consultants for the educational program “Railway rolling stock”

Онгар Булбул

Ashirbayev Galymzhan

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Professor ALТ

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 4
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, energy efficiency of transport, reliability of rolling stock

Солоненко Владимир Гельевич

Solonenko Vladimir

Doctor of Technical Sciences

H-index (Scopus): 4
H-index (Web of Science): 2
Number of master students: 1
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, dynamics of rail transport

Мусаев Жанат Султанбекович

Musaev Zhanat

Doctor of Technical Sciences
Professor ALТ

H-index (Scopus): 4
H-index (Web of Science): 3
Number of master students: 4
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, dynamics of rail transport, reliability of rolling stock

Мусаев Жанат Султанбекович

Bakhyt Gabit

Professor ALТ

H-index (Scopus): 5
H-index (Web of Science): 3
Number of master students: 5
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, dynamics of rail transport, reliability of rolling stock

Ивановцева Наталья Викторовна

Ivanovtseva Natalia

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 2
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, reliability of rolling stock

Ибраев Жексембы Саукенович

Ibraev Zheksemby

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor

H-index (Scopus): 0
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 1
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and traction of trains, reliability of rolling stock, energy efficiency of traction rolling stock

Мусабеков М.О

Musabekov Marat

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 1
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and traction of trains, reliability of rolling stock, energy efficiency of traction rolling stock

Мусабеков М.О

Chigambayev Temirbay

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor ALT

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and traction of trains, reliability of rolling stock, energy efficiency of traction rolling stock

Джакупов Нурбек Рахимджанович

Dzhakupov Nurbek

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor ALT

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, reliability of rolling stock

Туркебаев Мукангали Жамбулович

Turkebaev Mukangali

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor ALT

H-index (Scopus): 0
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, reliability of rolling stock

Сулеева Нургул Зинабдинқызы

Suleeva Nurgul

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor ALT

H-index (Scopus): 2
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, reliability of rolling stock

Аширбаева Ирина Анатольевна

Ashirbaeva Irina

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Assistant Professor

H-index (Scopus): 0
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Rolling stock and train traction, interaction of rolling stock and track, reliability of rolling stock

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