The results of the consideration of candidates for the award of vacant state grants released in the learning process

The results of the consideration of candidates for the award of vacant state grants released in the learning process

№ Ф.И.О. обучающихся Образовательная программа Группа образовательных программ Курс GPA Статус по решению ученного совета вуза (Прошел/ не прошел) Примечание 1 Серік Шұғыла Серікқызы 6B06209 Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации B059 Коммуникации и...
Integrated Management System ALT!

Integrated Management System ALT!

From 20.06.2022 to 24.06.2022, a training seminar on the topic was held at the «Academy of Logistics and Transport» JSC: “Management systems for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO...
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