Ишанов Ерназар Хамидуллович

Head of the Institute of Military Affairs

Ishanov Yernazar Khamidullovich, Colonel of the Reserve, Master of pedagogical sciences, combat veteran

Contact information: office No. 5110
Reception time: on working days from 14.00 to 16.40.
Weekends: Sunday, Monday

About military training

The Institute of Military Affairs organizes and provides military training for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the programs of reserve officers and sergeants, on the basis of higher professional education, in accordance with the recruitment plan determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Military training is conducted in order to prepare the mobilization reserve of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Military department is a structural unit of JSC “ALT University named after Mukhamedzhanov    Tynyshpayev”. On issues of military training, the department is guided by the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the NGS of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Military training of students is an additional type of education and consists of theoretical and practical courses of study.

588 academic hours are allocated for military training under the reserve officers program, of which 360 are theoretical training and 228 are practical training.

294 academic hours are allocated for military training under the reserve sergeants program, of which 180 are theoretical training and 114 are practical training.

At the same time, boys undergo the practical part of their training in the field, while girls do it at the academy or military units.

Military training under the reserve officers and sergeants program is provided free of charge and on a paid basis. Students who have not passed the conditions of the competition for tuition-free tuition and are recommended by the selection committee for tuition-based tuition are involved in tuition-based tuition.


According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 25, 2022 N354, in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Military Department of the Academy of Logistics and Transport JSC was established.

By Order of the President-Rector of the Academy of Logistics and Transport JSC dated October 4, 2022 NPR-555-ls, in coordination with the Department of Military Education and Science of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Reserve Colonel Yernazar Khamidullovich Ishanov was appointed the first head of the military department, who began to create an educational material and technical base.

Contacts of the Institute of Military Affairs

Address: 97 Shevchenko st., Masanchi corner
Office № 5110


Ишанов Ерназар Хамидуллович

Head of the Institute of Military Affairs

Ishanov Yernazar Khamidullovich, Colonel of the Reserve, Master of pedagogical sciences, combat veteran

Contact information: office No. 5110
Reception time: on working days from 14.00 to 16.40
Weekends: Sunday, Monday


Сексенбаев Нурлан Маратович

Deputy Head of the IMA

Nurlan Maratovich Seksenbayev, Reserve Colonel, combat veteran

Чунетов Айдын Мавлетканович

Deputy Head of the IMA - Head of the Training unit

Chunetov Aydin Mavletkanovich, Reserve Colonel, Master of Technical Sciences


Кудабаев Болат Калхайулы

Head of the cycle of Combat Application of Combined Arms Units and Compounds

Kudabaev Bolat Kalkhayuly, Lieutenant Colonel, PhD

Contact information: office No. 5114
Reception time: on working days from 14.00 to 16.40
Weekends: Sunday, Monday.


Загитов Данияр Муратулы

Head of the cycle of Specialized Disciplines

Zagitov Daniyar Muratuly, Reserve Colonel, Master of Technical Sciences

Contact information: office No. 5114
e-mail: d.zagitov@
Reception time: on working days from 14.00 to 16.40
Weekends: Sunday, Monday

Educational support staff

Office of material support

Черновол Сергей Петрович

Master of industrial training

Sergey Petrovich Chernovol, Retired Colonel

Office of Student Records and Administration

Камбаева Айжамал Жалгасиновна

Head of the office

Kambayeva Ayzhamal Zhalgasinovna, Reserve Warrant Officer


Нурбаева Марал Торехановна

Chief specialist - expert of the office

Nurbayeva Maral Torekhanovna, senior sergeant of the reserve

Logistics Office

Бакиев Сеитжан Теипович

Senior engineer

Bakiyev Seitzhan Teipovich, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel

Орынбеков Тлеухан Ешмуратович


Tleukhan Orynbekov, Reserve Major

Military specialties

Military training is conducted at the Institute of Military Affairs:

  1. According to the training programs for reserve officers in the following military accounting specialties:

1) combat use of combined arms units, units and formations;
2) organization of engineering support for combat operations;
3) organization of military communications and military transportation by rail, water and air;
4) organization of educational and ideological work in the Ground Forces;
5) financial support.
6) the use of automotive units and parts.

  1. According to the training programs for reserve sergeants in the following military accounting specialties:

1) riflemen (squad leaders);
2) operation of automotive equipment.
3) Reserve sergeants (mortar commander).



Cycle of Combat Application of Combined Arms Units and Compounds

Кафедра СД

Cycle of Specialized Disciplines

Приемная комиссия