The cycle of “Combat use of combined arms units, units and formations”

Кудабаев Болат Калхайулы

Head of the cycle

Kudabaev Bolat Kalkayuly, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, PhD

Contact information: office No. 5114
Reception time: on working days from 14.00 to 16.40
Weekends: Sunday, Monday

A brief historical summary of the cycle “Combat use of combined arms units, units and formations”

A brief historical summary of the Department of institute of military affairs .

From the day of its foundation to the present, the department trains reserve officers and reserve sergeants in military accounting specialties on the basis of higher professional education, with the aim of forming the military reserve of the Republic of Kazakhstan.:

1) according to the programs of reserve officers:

  • combat use of combined arms units, units and formations;
  • organization of engineering support for combat operations;
  • Organization of educational and ideological work in the ground forces.

2) according to the programs of sergeants of the reserve:

  • Riflemen (squad leader).
  • Reserve sergeants (mortar commander)

The department institute of military affairs accounting specialties to complement the primary positions of officers and non-commissioned personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in managing a unit in peacetime and wartime.

Teaching staff

Viktor Arkadyevich Timoshenkov

Viktor Arkadyevich Timoshenkov

Senior lecturer

Retired Colonel, participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident from 1986 to 1987, was awarded the medal “For Military Merit”

Makimov Yerlan Gabdullinovich

Makimov Yerlan Gabdullinovich

Senior lecturer

Retired Colonel, Master of Pedagogy

Talgat Turganovich Kadyrbayev

Talgat Turganovich Kadyrbayev

Senior lecturer

Reserve Colonel

Kamilzhan Kasimovich Kurbanov

Kamilzhan Kasimovich Kurbanov


Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Master of Military Science

Berdybekov Bakhtiyar Turdybaevich

Berdybekov Bakhtiyar Turdybaevich


Reserve Lieutenant Colonel

Contacts of the cycle

The cycle of “Combat use of combined arms units, units and formations”

Address: 97 Shevchenko street, corner Masanchi street, office No. 5114

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