On April 9 of this year, a debate tournament was held at the Academy. 6 factions took part in the tournament and the following resolutions were drawn.

This chamber believes: “for a student, EQ (emotional intelligence) is more important than IQ (intelligence score)”

This chamber declares: “it believes that people should be able to influence the decision of the Supreme Court”

This chamber: “proposes a project related to the development of the Academy”

The purpose of the tournament is to promote the idea of patriotism and citizenship among students, increase their intellectual potential, oratorical skills, critical thinking, broaden their horizons of knowledge, form an active civic position, and develop a discussion movement in the republic.

The prize money at the tournament.

The first place belongs to the “Justice” faction of Adilgazy Zhain and Tleuzhan Olzhas.

The second place belongs to the JUZZ faction of Uakbai Baysal and Zholdaskhan Akbota.

The third place belongs to the “ASU” faction of Pirmaganbetova Maral and Turlybek Ayym.

The best speaker is Adilgazy Zhaina.

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