In March, among the 2nd year students of the educational program 6В07188–IT Electric Power Engineering, senior lecturer of the department Karasaeva Asel Rakhmetullakyzy and assistant teacher Ualieva Zhansulu Talgatovna, in support of the UN sustainable development agenda aimed at solving the most pressing world problems, debates were organized on the topic “Importance nuclear power plant for our country.” The debate participants answered and discussed questions such as “What does nuclear energy really give to humanity?” “How far have we come in ensuring the safe operation of nuclear power plants?” “Radioactive waste. Ways to solve the problem”, “Will alternative and renewable energy sources be able to push nuclear power plants out of the market?” “Prospects for the development of nuclear energy in the foreseeable future.”

The students thoroughly prepared for the atomic duel. Their task was to defend their position regarding the prospects for the development of nuclear energy, to demonstrate knowledge in the field of economics, ecology and safety of nuclear facilities within the framework of the SDG program. Members of the team defending the “For” position commented on the team spirit of the participants: “We consider nuclear energy to be one of the leading areas, since without it the further development of civilization is impossible.”

Members of the team defending the “Against” position showed an equally confident approach: “We are ready to argue our point of view, based on studying the history of nuclear energy from its inception to the present day.”

Each participant was able to comprehend and analyze different points of view on the use and development of nuclear energy. Through these encounters, students have the opportunity to delve deeply into a topic, improve their knowledge, and develop critical thinking skills.

According to the department, the Debate Club “Zhas Energetik” has been operating for 2 years.

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