
Academic Activities Committee

Махмутова Арайлым Қайратқызы

Makhmutova Arailym Kairatovna
Phone: +7 705 260 13 53

Кеңесбай Ақниет Мақсатқызы

Head of the Academic Activities Committee

Kenesbay Akniet Maksatovna
Phone: +7 771 238 75 50

Наренбай Көркем Асқарқызы

Narenbay Korkem Askarovna
Phone: +7 700 107 29 09

«The Academic Affairs Committee of the Student Government» is one of the main driving forces of the organization. The primary tasks of the committee include informing students about city and regional events, such as meetings, seminars, conferences, and other opportunities for educational and professional growth. In addition, the committee organizes meetings between student representatives and local and regional authorities, business communities, and implements joint events with other universities. 

The «Academic Affairs Committee of the Student Government named after M.Tynyshpaev» actively collaborates with organizations at the city and national levels. The committee’s partners include: 

  • The «Student Alliance» of Almaty – an organization that protects students’ rights and ensures their active participation in public life;
  • « Zhasyl El» Youth Labour Teams– a movement involving youth in projects related to ecology and labor activities;
  • The «Zharasym» Youth Wing of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan– an organization aimed at strengthening interethnic harmony and tolerance;
  • The Volunteer League of Almaty – an organization implementing social projects and developing volunteer movements;
  • The «Jastar Ruhy» Student Union– an organization promoting youth policy and developing leadership skills.

The work of the committee is focused on deepening students’ knowledge, fostering their professional and personal development, and encouraging their active participation in public life.

Information Work Committee

Тулебек Болатбек Ержанұлы

Head of the Information Work Committee

Tulebek Bolatbek Yerzhanuly
Phone: +7 776 896 30 39

Оңғарбай Мейірбек Махсетұлы

Ongarbay Meyrbek Makhsetuly
Phone: +7 771 815 54 91

The «Information Work Committee» operates to widely promote the activities of the Student Government of M. Tynyshpaev University. The committee disseminates information through the university’s information stands, the internet, and social networks, ensuring effective feedback from students. Additionally, the committee presents the academy’s informational resources at IT forums, conferences, and other public events, contributing to enhancing its reputation. 

The main directions of the committee’s activities are: 

  • Preparing promotional materials (posters, banners, billboards, promotional signs, certificates, business cards, etc.) to shape and develop the image of the university and the Student Government;
  • Collecting necessary data and preparing it at a high-quality level for creating videos and promotional materials about M. Tynyshpaev University and the Student Government;
  • Increasing the university’s popularity by publishing its achievements and significant events.

This committee is an important structure responsible for implementing the university’s information policy and improving the effectiveness of communication with students.

Organizational Work Committee

Ізбасаров Алмас

Head of the Organizational Work Committee

Izbasarov Almas

Phone: +7 776 283 4204

The Organisational Work Committee is one of the most active and well- developed structures of the Student Government at ALT University, established to comprehensively develop and improve the university’s internal life, as well as to realize the goals and ideas of students. 

The committee consists of active, initiative-driven, and responsible students whose ideas and initiatives contribute to the development of student life at the university in cultural, sports, and scientific directions. 

The main activity of the committee is organizing various events both within the university and beyond. These events include festive programs, sports competitions, scientific conferences, charity initiatives, and projects aimed at fostering students’ creative and professional growth. 

The work of the committee is an important initiative aimed at making the life of the student community rich, engaging, and harmonious.

Приемная комиссия