Procedure for handling student complaints

The procedure for handling complaints is implemented according to the following schemes:

1. Curators → department → institute → vice-rector for academic affairs → President-Rector.

Curators forward complaints and suggestions from students to the head of the department, director of the institute, vice-rector for academic affairs. Complaints that the curator reports orally or in writing to the head of the department are usually resolved by the latter in a relatively short time. However, if the resolution of the complaint is not within the authority of the head of the department, they are also reported orally or in writing to the director of the institute. In most cases, all conflicts are resolved at the level of the head of the department or director of the institute.

 2. Students → Department of Educational and Social Work.

In this case, written applications from students and teachers are registered in the Department of Educational and Social Work and are considered at the level of the Vice-Rector for KiSR;

In the case of students applying for social support, the application is considered at a meeting of the Social Council.

  1. Student → President-Rector.

This scheme is implemented through the rector’s direct mail, the rector’s blog or a reception for personal questions.

A number of complaints, such as appeals on current control, appeals on current (rating) control and midterm assessment are regulated by the Department of Academic Policy and Quality of ALT University.

A student’s complaint to the university administration can also be submitted through the Student Government. Student leaders are elected at each institute. The functional responsibilities of the Student Government of the University include receiving and considering student appeals, taking measures, including appeals and recommendations to restore violated rights and freedoms of students, resolving conflict situations, monitoring compliance with the social rights and interests of students.

  1. Public → President-Rector.

This scheme is implemented through the Public Reception Office, which accepts complaints and resolves issues within its competence, accelerating and simplifying the process of submitting appeals.

Reception is carried out without prior registration online and offline. During a personal reception, a citizen must present an identity document. Citizens are invited in order of priority. If during a personal reception it turns out that the solution of the issues raised by the citizen is not within the competence of the University, the citizen is explained where and in what order he should apply. Appeals can be submitted at the following link

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