«Sanaly urpaq» student organization

Тұрлыбек Айым Серікқызы


Turlybek Ayim Serikkyzy

tel: +7 (707) 463-67-83

  1. General provisions

1.1 The Sanaly Urpak Club is a voluntary student association created to promote legal knowledge and anti-corruption culture at the Academy.

1.2 The Sanaly Urpak Club-Academy is a structural part of the self-government system.

1.3 Sanaly Urpak Club is an association of students working under the guidance of the head of the club on the basis of the Regulations approved by the Academy.

1.4 The activities of the voluntary club “Sanaly urpak” were carried out on the basis of this Regulation.


  1. Goals and objectives
  • Anti-corruption culture;
  • Improving the quality of education through the introduction of anti-corruption mechanisms;
  • Anti-corruption legislation in the field of education;
  • Information support;
  • Improving the anti-corruption literacy of all subjects of the education sector;
  • Cultivation of anti-corruption behavior of subjects in the field of education;
  • Transformation of students and teachers into leaders of anti-corruption policy.
  1. the principles of the club’s activities
  • Volunteering;
  • Luminosity and openness;
  • The legal culture of the club members;
  • Collective organization of club life;
  • Respect for the interests, interests and opinions of each member of the club;
  • Socially useful significance.
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