Student Government

Ембергенова Сабина

Vice president of Student Government

Embergenovna Sabina Askarovna

Phone: +7 708 591 2899

Гадилбеков Бейбит

President of the Student Government

Gadilbekov Beibit

Phone: +7 7073637292

Камбарбек Балауса Ержанкызы

Vice president of Student Government

Kambarbek Balausa Erzhanryzy

Phone: +7 707 425 06 52

Рустембековна Дана Нуржанкызы

Leader of the ALT Student Alliance, Ombudsman

Rustembekova Dana Nurzhankyzy

Phone: +7 776 332 62 35

Пилтан Райхан

Press-secretary Student Government

Piltan Raihan

Phone: +7 702 780 7018

Student self—government is a form of organization of independent social activities of students for the implementation of university management functions, which is determined by them and carried out in accordance with the goals and objectives facing student groups.

The Head of the Student Government is a member of the following collegial bodies: the Academic Council, the Educational and Methodological Council, the Social Council, the Disciplinary Council for the consideration of student responsibility.

Student self-government creates new opportunities for self-determination of the individual, the emergence of youth innovations in various spheres of society. One of the important conditions for the organization of educational work at the University is the creation of a single educational space. The desire of students to express their “I”, the desire to actively participate in the life of the academy, support for scientific, cultural, and public initiatives.

The President of the Student Government is a bridge between students and the University administration. He is responsible for the interests of the entire youth community of the University, as he is a student representative.

  1. Duties of the Vice President:
  2. To replace the Head of the joint venture in his absence;
  3. Management and organization of the work of the Government;
  4. Planning, control and development of government activities;
  5. Plan government activities, develop and approve work plans, define performance targets and teams;
  6. To organize work on the implementation of government plans and coordinate the activities of structural units
  7. Make a list of the works necessary for the implementation of the assigned tasks, and identify the students who will perform them.

What are the goals and objectives of including the position of the Ombudsman in the structure of the University?

First of all, it is the creation of such a safe “place” at the University, where every student, teacher or employee could discuss their questions and problems related to the University. By contacting the “office” of the Ombudsman, you can count on the fact that you are here:

  • you will find a friendly environment in which you are ready to listen to your doubts;
  • get the information you are interested in on University policies;
  • you can discuss the possibilities of communicating certain information to the University;
  • you can evaluate the available alternatives to solve any particular problem;
  • initiate a meeting with the official in charge of the area to which your question relates;
  • you can count on constructive facilitation of the dialogue with interested parties;
  • while maintaining confidentiality, in case of systematically recurring situations, give feedback to the administration.
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