Scientific consultants for the educational program “Logistics (by industry)”

Мусалиева Роза Джалиловна

Musalieva Rosa

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Transport logistics

Жанбиров Жумажан Гинаятович

Zhanbirov Zhumazhan

Doctor of Technical Sciences

H-index (Scopus): 4
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Transport logistics

Жанбиров Жумажан Гинаятович

Izteleuova Maral

Doctor of Technical Sciences
assistant professor

H-index (Scopus): 0
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Transport logistics

Жанбиров Жумажан Гинаятович

Karsybayev Yerzhan

Doctor of Technical Sciences
assistant professor

H-index (Scopus): 0
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Transport logistics

Мурзабекова Кенжегуль Абсултановна

Murzabekova Kenzhegul

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
assistant professor

H-index (Scopus): 0
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Transport logistics

Мурзабекова Кенжегуль Абсултановна

Toktamysova Aliya Beisembayevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor

H-index (Scopus): 1
H-index (Web of Science): 0
Number of master students: 0
Master students who did not defend themselves: 0

Direction of potential scientific research:

Transport logistics

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