As part of the pursuit of active development and the search for advanced solutions in the field of transportation logistics, second-year Master students of the scientific and pedagogical direction of the program 7M11302 – «Organization of Transportation, Traffic, and Transport Operation» at the Civil Aviation Academy have been given the opportunity to undergo scientific internships at the Academy of Logistics and Transport.

From March 4th to March 16th, 2024, the Master students were assigned to the Department of «Transportation Organization and Operation» to undergo scientific internships. This internship period will provide them with ample opportunities for deep immersion into the sphere of research and practical aspects of organizing transportation processes.

Each Master student was assigned a scientific advisor who will provide support and guidance during the internship. This initiative aims to develop the students’ scientific potential and stimulate interest in active participation in research activities.

At the end of the internship period, the Master students received certificates for completing the scientific internship.

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