In the period from January 16 to 20, a winter school was held at the Academy of Logistics and Transport, the purpose of which is to create a platform for the development of professional skills, increase the effectiveness of academic policy and the qualifications of the faculty and staff of the Academy.

More than 250 teachers and employees of the Academy took part in the “High professional week”. Representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan took an active part in the work of the winter school, they touched upon a number of topical issues, such as: “Innovative educational programs. Design, development and evaluation”, “Ensuring the quality of education in New Kazakhstan”. Teachers and staff of the Academy spoke on the following topics: “Digitalization in the strategy of a modern university”, “Formation of a promising model of university education”, “Increasing the global competitiveness of Kazakhstani universities and industry representatives, such as NC KTZ JSC, Kazlogistics, etc.

“High professional week” this year was unique in that it was attended by the most famous and authoritative speakers, business coaches and coaches, who paid special attention to the formation of new pedagogical, digital and psychological skills, communication, team building, interactive games and discussions in project teams.

It should be noted that the winter school has become an excellent springboard for the personal growth of teachers and the exchange of experience and ideas in working with students. At the end of the “High professional week” all participants were given certificates.

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