On February 28, 2024, the Department of Educational and Social Work invited an expert lecturer from the Department of Religious Affairs, a senior lecturer at the Kazakh National University.Al-Farabi, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Kantarbayeva Zhanna Urinbasarovna. Zhanna Urinbasarovna told the audience about the signs of destructive religious movements, methods of spreading extremist ideas, and the relationship between national and religious values.

The expert noted the importance of raising the general culture and education of the population, including legal awareness, the establishment of tolerant traditions in the family and society to ensure interfaith peace and harmony. The students of the Academy were very interested in the methods of recruitment into destructive sects, about the clothes worn by believers. The guest of the Academy spoke in detail about invitations to various seminars, games, meetings where they offer to solve financial problems, resolve family disputes, etc. Zhanna Urinbasarovna urged students to be very vigilant to such manifestations. This meeting brought a lot of useful information for the students of our Academy.

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