House of Students

Кырыкбаев Бакытхан Бекмухаметович

Head of Student House Service

Kyrykbaev Bakytkhan Bekmukhametovich

Phone: 8-747-653-86-80

ALT is a leading transport university that trains students in the transport and communications field. Young people from all regions of the Republic study here.
In four comfortable student houses (hereinafter referred to as DS), meeting all modern requirements, with a total area of 26277.6 sq.m. More than 2 thousand students live there. A warm atmosphere and home comfort await you in every DS.
In order to solve the whole range of problems of students living in the DS, there is a special body of student self-government – the Student Council of Student Houses.

In the homes of ALT students there is a free wireless Internet access network WI-FI, with a speed of 100 Mbit/s.
The ALT student house is comfortable, safe and has all the conditions for living. Students live in two and three bed rooms.
The DS has all the conditions for life, study and recreation. For studying, students’ homes have reading rooms, which are equipped with computer equipment, necessary literature and periodicals. There are televisions in the reading room.

All houses of academy students are equipped with gyms, which are equipped for sports activities, and there are also billiards and tennis tables, and an aerobics room for girls.

A library, gyms, a canteen, a terminal for replenishing telephone accounts, copy centers, a laundry – all the basic necessities for a comfortable life function in each Student House.

On the territory of student houses there are entertainment areas and a football field.
Student houses are equipped with external and internal CCTV cameras. Registration is made on each floor 24 hours a day.
Access control in the DS is carried out by watchmen around the clock. To enter the DS, residents are issued a pass of the established form. The pass is the main document for residents to enter the DS.

Check-in into student houses is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the residence of students studying in student houses at ALT.
Move-in to student homes begins on August 25th each year.

Students studying under a state educational order or on a full-pay basis and who come from remote regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as citizens of foreign countries, have the right to reside in the Academy Student Houses.

First of all, the following applicants are provided with places in the Student Houses:

  • persons with disabilities from among the disabled, disabled since childhood, disabled people of groups II and III, disabled children, orphans and children without parental care;
  •  youth who were left without parental care at the time of reaching adulthood.

Applicants from among orphans and children left without parental care and under guardianship (trusteeship) who have had tuberculosis, regardless of the form of study (grant/paid), are not charged for accommodation for one academic year.
The following documents must be submitted:

  • ID card (copy);
  • photographs 3\4 – 3 pieces;
  • medical certificate No. 086 (copy or electronic form).

Note: Applicants entitled to benefits are required to additionally submit the following documents:

  • Certificate/certificate (not expired) about the student’s disability;
  • death certificate of parents;
  • VKK certificate confirming tuberculosis disease
  • and other documents confirming the provision of benefits.

The basis for providing places in Student Houses is an online application in the Platonus AIS:

  • the application is submitted from the student’s personal account through the AIS Platonus for consideration through the Dormitory module (with a scanned ID attached, review takes 3 business days);
  • after approval of the student’s application, an agreement for accommodation in Student Houses is drawn up through the Dokumentolog and Doculite EDMS system (the student must have an electronic digital signature of an individual and be registered in the system);
  • after confirmation of payment (at least for 1 semester or full payment for the academic year), an Order for moving into the Student House is issued, indicating the Student House and the room in the Platonus AIS;
  • after the release of the Move-in Order, the student has the right to move into the Student House. (Have a package of documents with you: a certificate in form 075-U with a photo of the FG, a copy of an identity card, a 3×4 photo – 4 pieces, an EDS key).

House of Students № 2

Free places


House of Students № 3

Free places


House of Students № 4

Free places


Phone numbers for inquiries: student house
№1 – 261-76-58;
№2 – 261-21-51;
№3 – 272-32-23;
№4- 261-28-74  

House of Students №1

Абилкаирова Торгын Мұратбекқызы

Head of SH-1

Abilkairova Torgyn Muratbekkyzy
Phone: +7 701 222 1158
Address: st. Maulenova 108

House of Students №2

Койшыбаева Жулдыз Кадыровна

Head of SH-2

Koishybaeva Zhuldyz Kadyrovna
Phone: +7 (707) 426 46 66
Address: st. Maulenova 110

House of Students №3

Сахариева Шолпан Кабыгалымовна

Head of SH-3

Sakharieva Sholpan Kabygalymovna
Phone: 8-705-710-51-17
Address: st. Maulenova 112

House of Students №4

Абрасилова Айнаш Орымбаевна

Head of SH-4

Abrasilova Ainash Orymbaevna
Phone: 8-707-184-75-01
Address: st. Masanchi 88

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