Arm wrestling: (13/02/2025) According to the results of the competition: I place: Energy and digital technologies II...
SPORTS CONTEST among students of 1-4 courses «ALT University named after M. Tynyshpayev» JSC
Chess Game: (13/02/2025) According to the results of the competition: I place: Energy and digital technologies II...
Terrorism is not a religion!
February 13 at ALT University named after M.Tynyshbayeva held a training seminar on "Prevention of religious extremism...
Public Screening of the Film “Almaty? OK to Live with Smog?” – Discussion of One of the City’s Major Environmental Issues
On February 13, a public screening of the documentary film “Almaty? OK to Live with Smog?” by director Kuat Baysekeev...
SPORTS CONTEST among students of 1-4 courses «ALT University named after M. Tynyshpayev» JSC
Darts Game: (02/13/2025) According to the results of the competition: I place: Energy and digital technologies II...
Training “Conflict. How to avoid conflict?”
On February 11, 2025, psychologist Zhadrieva Aigerim Armanovna together with psychologist of Almaty College ALT...
On 02/11/2025, an open training seminar was held on the topic “Financial trap: how to avoid gambling addiction”
The purpose of the training seminar is to give an idea of ludomania (gambling addiction), openly show the negative...
Caring without Borders: Students visiting our grandparents
On February 7 of this year, activists of the Alliance of ALT Students visited a nursing home in Almaty to give a...
A meeting on the topic “Family value. Prevention of child abuse in the family”
One of the most pressing problems in society today is the Prevention of domestic violence, the value and relationship...
On January 31 of this year, a meeting with teacher Abdullayev Yerzhan Abdrakhmenovich was held within the walls of ALT university named after M. Tynyshbayev
Talking to advisors and students about ways to prevent religious extremism and terrorism is essential for security and...
The Path of a Logistician: From University to Career
On January 31, a guest lecture on "The Path of a Logistician After University" was held at ALT University. The...
Career Guidance Meeting with Representatives of “Financial Center” JSC “ALT University at Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpaev” JSC
A career guidance meeting with representatives of Financial Center was held ALT University at Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpaev....
90th anniversary of the People’s Writer of Kazakhstan, State Prize laureate, great Kazakh poet Kadyr Ginayatuly Myrza Ali
On January 23, 2025, a literary and educational evening entitled "90th anniversary of the People’s Writer of...
Meeting with Advisors: Financial Literacy with Financial Expert and Entrepreneur Kopeisino Baltabay
Today, we had a productive meeting with advisors, where we discussed ways to improve financial education with the goal...
Literary and educational evening entitled “110th anniversary of Ilyas Yesenberlin”
On January 23, 2025, a literary and educational evening entitled “110th anniversary of Ilyas Yesenberlin” was held on...
Table tennis among the teaching staff and Staff
The individual table tennis championship of ALT M. Tynyshpayev University JSC took place on January 21, 2025 in the...
SPORTS CONTEST among students of 1-4 courses «ALT University named after M. Tynyshpayev» JSC
Arm wrestling: (13/02/2025) According to the results of the competition: I place: Energy and digital technologies II...
SPORTS CONTEST among students of 1-4 courses «ALT University named after M. Tynyshpayev» JSC
Chess Game: (13/02/2025) According to the results of the competition: I place: Energy and digital technologies II...
Terrorism is not a religion!
February 13 at ALT University named after M.Tynyshbayeva held a training seminar on "Prevention of religious extremism...
Public Screening of the Film “Almaty? OK to Live with Smog?” – Discussion of One of the City’s Major Environmental Issues
On February 13, a public screening of the documentary film “Almaty? OK to Live with Smog?” by director Kuat Baysekeev...
SPORTS CONTEST among students of 1-4 courses «ALT University named after M. Tynyshpayev» JSC
Darts Game: (02/13/2025) According to the results of the competition: I place: Energy and digital technologies II...
Training “Conflict. How to avoid conflict?”
On February 11, 2025, psychologist Zhadrieva Aigerim Armanovna together with psychologist of Almaty College ALT...
On 02/11/2025, an open training seminar was held on the topic “Financial trap: how to avoid gambling addiction”
The purpose of the training seminar is to give an idea of ludomania (gambling addiction), openly show the negative...
Caring without Borders: Students visiting our grandparents
On February 7 of this year, activists of the Alliance of ALT Students visited a nursing home in Almaty to give a...
A meeting on the topic “Family value. Prevention of child abuse in the family”
One of the most pressing problems in society today is the Prevention of domestic violence, the value and relationship...
On January 31 of this year, a meeting with teacher Abdullayev Yerzhan Abdrakhmenovich was held within the walls of ALT university named after M. Tynyshbayev
Talking to advisors and students about ways to prevent religious extremism and terrorism is essential for security and...
The Path of a Logistician: From University to Career
On January 31, a guest lecture on "The Path of a Logistician After University" was held at ALT University. The...
Career Guidance Meeting with Representatives of “Financial Center” JSC “ALT University at Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpaev” JSC
A career guidance meeting with representatives of Financial Center was held ALT University at Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpaev....
90th anniversary of the People’s Writer of Kazakhstan, State Prize laureate, great Kazakh poet Kadyr Ginayatuly Myrza Ali
On January 23, 2025, a literary and educational evening entitled "90th anniversary of the People’s Writer of...
Meeting with Advisors: Financial Literacy with Financial Expert and Entrepreneur Kopeisino Baltabay
Today, we had a productive meeting with advisors, where we discussed ways to improve financial education with the goal...
Literary and educational evening entitled “110th anniversary of Ilyas Yesenberlin”
On January 23, 2025, a literary and educational evening entitled “110th anniversary of Ilyas Yesenberlin” was held on...
Table tennis among the teaching staff and Staff
The individual table tennis championship of ALT M. Tynyshpayev University JSC took place on January 21, 2025 in the...